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Joint Research Webinar "The Everyday in Japanese Peace Museums"

Hosted by EIJS (European Institute of Japanese Studies), Stockholm School of Economics, Department of Economic History and International Relations, Stockholm University and GARC (Global Affairs Research Center), Ryukoku University.

In this webinar Klara Melin will present part of her ongoing PhD dissertation project on everyday perspectives on Japan’s international relations. During the fall of 2023, Klara visited a number of peace and war museums around Japan collecting data for a case study concerned with the role and significance of the everyday in collective memory making practices in Japanese museums. In this presentation, she will present her findings and preliminary analysis of what constitutes the everyday in these museum exhibits, and how its presence or absence potentially impact the narration of Japanese war and post-war experiences.

Klara Melin is a PhD Candidate in International Relations at Stockholm University and associated PhD Candidate at the European Institute of Japanese Studies. Her main research interests include everyday approaches to international relations and security, and she is currently working on her PhD dissertation concerning everyday perspectives on (post)war collective memory and imaginaries in Japan.

  • Date and Time: January 26 (Friday), 09:00-10:00 (CET) and 17:00-18:00 (JST)
  • Place: Online (Zoom)
  • Language: English
  • Registration: nanhee.lee@hhs.se by January 25

Most Welcome!