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attitudes to sustainable business among young, global leaders

Is there a gap between their expectations and organizations’ talent management activities?

The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) in collaboration with the Pause Scholarship Foundation hereby have the honor of inviting you to a lunch seminar on:

Attitudes to sustainable business among young, global leaders

The lunch seminar gives insight into young global leaders' concern for sustainability issues and their expectations on future employers. Young leaders participating in Global Village, the international leadership program organized by Iacocca Institute, share their thoughts in a study carried out by two SSE master students and Pause scholarship recipients as part of their participation in the Global Village program.

The seminar also includes a presentation of how one business organization acts to match young, becoming leaders' attitudes and expectations. Finally, the seminar aims to generate some general conclusions by giving insight from research and by facilitating an open discussion among the seminar participants.


Date: Monday January 30, 2017

Time: 11:15 - 13:15

Venue: Room TORSTEN
Stockholm School of Economics, Bertil Ohlins gata 5


Pause Scholarship Foundation has during 30 years offered scholarships to future leaders to study abroad. The main purpose is to strengthen the scholarship recipient's personal development and leadership capability, and to contribute to the scientific development within the leadership field.


Full program and registration HERE!