Center for Arts, Business & Culture
The Center encompasses a multitude of theoretical and methodological approaches and encourages interdisciplinary projects. ABC brings together researchers from organization studies, marketing, economic history and accounting. We study phenomena on an individual level, on an organizational level, as well as on an industry level.
Our analyses are based on theories from the fields of organization, philosophy, literature, sociology, cultural studies, economic history, marketing, psychology, globalization.
ABC draws together scholars and pracititioners. We collaborate closely with researchers from other world-leading research groups to ensure that we stay at the forefront of the field. Morevoer, we constantly engage with the CCI business community, artists, the public and the non-profit sector, nationally and internationally.
The center is integrated with SSE Art Initiative.
ABC is a research center at SIR, Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research. The SIR Foundation is a national research institute for the economic sciences, with a focus on Business Administration in the broadest sense.