StratCom Lunch with Magnus Hjort
Authoritarian foreign states and non-state actors are constantly using information as a weapon to change our behaviors, our decision-making, our perception of reality and the way we form opinion.
Please join us at the Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication for an informal lunch seminar with the Director General of the Swedish Psychological Defence Agency, Magnus Hjort. He will give a behind the scenes talk on how Sweden is fighting against foreign malign information.
Date and time: April 10th, 11:30-13:00
Location: KAW, SSE, Bertil Ohlins gata 4
A light lunch will be served before the seminar.
The Swedish Psychological Defence Agency was founded in 2022 with the aim of countering malign foreign influence in the cognitive domain and strengthening societal resilience. Dr. Magnus Hjorth holds a Ph.D in History and has served for many years as a senior civil servant in various Swedish government agencies.
Seats are limited and registration is required.
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