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Seminar in Economics | BBC, Brexit, and Balanced Reporting with Vardges Levonyan, University of Zurich

Department of Economics welcomes you to a seminar with Vardges Levonyan, University of Zurich, presenting "BBC, Brexit, and Balanced Reporting". Media organizations can shape news via their choice of coverage and slant. We measure the aggregate slant of the BBC from 2014-18, benchmark it against UK newspapers of known political leaning, and show that it took a sharp turn to the right in the runup to the Brexit vote.

Welcome to this Higher Seminar in Economics organised by the Department of Economics, SSE. The seminar speaker is Vardges Levonyan, University of Zurich, presenting "BBC, Brexit, and Balanced Reporting".


Media organizations can shape news via their choice of coverage and slant. We measure the aggregate slant of the BBC from 2014-18, benchmark it against UK newspapers of known political leaning, and show that it took a sharp turn to the right in the runup to the Brexit vote. We disaggregate this shift across topics and show that roughly three-quarters of the measured change was due to stories related to the European Union, that 90% of that change was due to increased coverage relative to topic-specific slant, and that the change was driven by crowding out of left-leaning topics. We show even stronger results on a Leave/Remain rather than Labour/Conservative scale. We measure the causal effect of this shift using two different datasets and empirical approaches and both show causal increases of exposure to BBC news on Brexit vote intentions/vote shares, with effects sufficiently large that the absence of a change in the BBC’s slant would have made the Brexit vote too close to call.

Vardges Levonyan is Senior Research Associate in the Department of Economics at University of Zurich. Vardges' fields of interest include industrial organization, media, health and political economy.

The seminar takes place at Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65, room Torsten.

Please contact kristen.pendleton@hhs.se if you have any questions.

Dept. of Economics Economics Seminar in economics