SITE Seminar | Effective families or effective schools? Experimental evidence on fostering children's numeracy
Welcome to the next SITE Seminar! On October 15, Alessandro Toppeta, Assistant Professor of Economics at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University, will present his working paper entitled "Effective Families or Effective Schools? Experimental Evidence on Fostering Children's Numeracy" at SSE and online via Zoom.
Start time:
2024-10-15 at 12:00
End time:
2024-10-15 at 13:00
Time zone:
Room A350 at SSE and onlinve via Zoom
Working paper title: "Effective Families or Effective Schools? Experimental Evidence on Fostering Children's Numeracy"
By: Alessandro Toppeta, Samuel Berlinski and Michele Giannola
This paper studies if high-quality primary education can serve as an equalizer for children exposed to diverse rearing practices at home in Colombia. Building on well-established literatures demonstrating that parenting interventions and teacher professional development programs can effectively support children's learning, we randomly assign children to a sequence of treatment combinations: only a parenting intervention, only a teacher intervention, both interventions, or no intervention. The two treatments, both individually and together, have a similar effect on children's standardized math scores, with an impact of 0.20 standard deviations compared to receiving no interventions. We find no complementarities between the two interventions, suggesting that effective schools can compensate for inequalities in family rearing practices.
About the speaker
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- Please also indicate if you want to attend in person or online
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Photo: metamorworks, Shutterstock