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Call for papers, Special issue on cultural diversity in context

01 May 2014
A special issue of IJCCM on 'cultural diversity in context' will be published by CASL researchers

Long-Run Trends in the Distribution of Income and Wealth

25 April 2014
by Jesper Roine (with Daniel Waldenström), SITE Working Paper

Long-Run Trends in the Distribution of Income and Wealth

25 April 2014
Jesper Roine (with Daniel Waldenström), SITE Working Paper.

Keep updated on leadership with CASLs new commentary

10 April 2014
From today you find a new web forum, Leadership update, at CASL. As the name indicates Leadership update is a place were you get an update and comments on the latest buzz words, trends and events in leadership.

SSE students to develop marketing techniques in Kyrgyzstan

10 April 2014
The 2014 Gun and Einar Larsson scholarship (GELS) has been awarded to Johannes Meder and Adam Novak, both students at the Stockholm School of Economics, for their project on developing a set of marketing techniques in Kyrgyzstan.

Female Economists Network at SSE

10 April 2014
On Tuesday, April 8th, SSE hosted the Female Economists Network in Stockholm and Uppsala (FENSU) event 2014.

How should we fund private organizations that improve social welfare?

09 April 2014
In his doctoral dissertation, Financing of Nonprofits and Social Enterprises, Andreas Nilsson contributes to making the efforts of socially responsible investors and philanthropists more effective.

Leadership and Organizing seminar series

09 April 2014
The series resumes after our summer break. Meetings will be every second weeks in room Gunnar, on Thursdays, from 13:15 to 15:00.

Grants from RJ and Wallander to EIJS

07 April 2014
Yoshihiro Sato, postdoctoral research fellow at the European Institute of Japanese Studies, has together with colleagues at Gothenburg University received a grant of 3.1 mn SEK from Riksbankens Jublieumsfond and 1.6 mn SEK from the Wallander Foundation.

Young critics met to discuss sustainability

06 April 2014
Plain speaking and no hesitation faced corporations like Ikea and Coca-Cola when students from all over Stockholm gathered to discuss the companies’ sustainability efforts.