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The future of energy infrastructure resilience in Europe

19 June 2023
On 11 May, 2023, the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Forum for Research on Eastern Europe: Climate and Environment (FREECE) invited four experts to the 2023 annual Energy Talk to discuss the future of Europe’s Energy infrastructure resilience. This policy brief summarizes the main points from the presentations and discussions.

Interview with Misum Executive Director, Prof. Martina Björkman Nyqvist

19 June 2023
Misum Executive Director, Prof. Martina Björkman Nyqvist, was recently interviewed by Mistra, The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research.

SSE MBA NSHK scholarship recipient Oskar Andrews

19 June 2023
Oskar Andrews has been awarded the SSE MBA NSHK Scholarship 2023. The scholarship is awarded next-generation leaders strengthening Norwegian and Swedish industries.

Sofie Roy to join SSE as new Senior Executive Vice President

19 June 2023
On August 14, Sofie Roy will join the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) as Senior Executive Vice President and is expected to become a driving force in SSE’s continued development in Sweden and internationally.

Platform for fertility patients wins SSE Business Lab grant

16 June 2023
Jenny Ann Ax:son Johnson and Anna Sane, co-founders of Tilly, have won the Grosshandelssocieteten Grant of 100,000 SEK. The Tilly platform serves as a catalyst for improving patient well-being and achieving successful fertility treatment results.

SSE researcher Erik Wetter contributes to Data-driven Technologies at CIVICA

16 June 2023
Erik Wetter is a new member of the Data-driven Technologies for the Social Sciences Group at CIVICA. As Assistant Professor at the House of Innovation at SSE, he has extensive experience of new data sources and technologies and is looking forward to contributing with this knowledge to the group.

Key takeaways from the conference "Private sector engagement in Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction"

15 June 2023
On 8 June, 2023, the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS) and the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) in cooperation with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and IVA’s Business Executives Council organized a conference on Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction held at IVA. Read the key takeaways from the conference to learn more!

Can environmental policy encourage investment in research and development?

14 June 2023
Policies that support cleaner production technologies can lower climate change risks and environmental problems without hurting the economy in the long run. However, there is limited evidence on how these policies motivate companies to invest in these technologies. This Misum Academic Insight examines how taxes on emissions affect technology spending in highly polluting companies.

Ulrika and Staffan Bohman donate 10 million SEK to SSE’s newly launched Faculty Fund

14 June 2023
The Stockholm School of Economics is launching a new Faculty Fund with the aim of attracting and retaining research and teaching talent in Sweden. Alumni Ulrika and Staffan Bohman are the first to support the cause with a donation of 10 million SEK. 

SITE researchers receives SEK 2 million grant for research on climate change beliefs

14 June 2023
Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation and Tore Browaldh Foundation recognize the research in unraveling the impact of labor-market, media narratives, and personal traits on climate change perspectives.