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SSE and CSR in the World Academic Forum

04 April 2022
SSE and CSR in the World Academic Forum on TRANSFORMING THE OUTSIDE FROM THE INSIDE: Can We Really Save the Planet with Art, Imagination and Inner Development?

Welcome to a Stockholm +50 event, “Linking the E, S & G in Sustainable Finance”

04 April 2022

Torbjörn Becker in Dagens Nyheter: "Sanctions on oil could end Putin's money"

04 April 2022
In a recently published op-ed, Torbjörn Becker, Director of the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, discusses why Russia must be forced to pay a higher price for its war in Ukraine. Sanctions should be directed at oil and gas exports, and it is also time to increase the pressure on the banking system. Frozen Russian assets in the West could later become a good basis for Ukraine's reconstruction.

SSE establishes Chair in Entrepreneurship and Family Business

04 April 2022
The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is establishing a new Chair in Entrepreneurship and Family Business with sponsorship from SEB. This lays the foundation for a new research center focused on a unique mix of Family Enterprise and Family Offices in the Nordic region.

Vice Deputy Mayor of Stockholm and City Council for Sports, Karin Ernlund, Visiting SSE

01 April 2022
On April 1st, the Vice Mayor of Sports Karin Ernlund (C) and her colleague Alice Vestin visited SSE and the Center for Sports and Business. This was a follow-up meeting after the visit at the City Hall on March 8th with President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic.

SITE board member Veronika Bard in an interview with the daily Swedish newspaper SvD “What we see is totalitarianism"

01 April 2022
Former Swedish ambassador to Moscow and the OSCE Veronika Bard declares the OSCE project dead, calls for a Swedish-Russia strategy and warns against underestimating the Kremlin's political leadership.

KAM only session at HUI Research

30 March 2022
The Key Account Managers in the Retail Clubs were invited for a "fika" and workshop on the future of retail at HUI.

Misum Annual Report 2021 out now

30 March 2022
Read the 2021 Misum Annual Report to learn about some ongoing research and engagement collaborations at Misum. We turn our focus this year on exciting partnerships with actors from the corporate and public sectors, the finance industry, and academia.

Self-Leadership at ICA

29 March 2022
Marvin Liljegren, Head of UX & Design at ICA, held an inspirational theme lecture on ICA's Self-Leadership model.

Misum and Swedish House of Finance researchers granted 5M SEK for research on sustainability and personal finances

29 March 2022
Misum researcher Anders Anderson together with colleagues from Misum and the Swedish House of Finance have been granted three-year funding for the project “En enkätundersökning om hållbarhet och privatekonomi” (A survey on sustainability and personal finances). The grant is offered by Vinnova as part of the call "Research on financial markets 2022-2024".