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Call for Papers

20 December 2021
The conference ORGANIZING THE WORLD 2.0 will take place at Score in Stockholm, Sweden 6–7 October, 2022. Please submit your abstract by 1 March, 2022.

Start of the SSE MBA Executive Format program

16 December 2021
December 6 marked the first stage of an 18 month journey for a new group of MBA students at the Stockholm School of Economics. Over 50 participants are enrolled in the SSE MBA Executive Format 2021 Autumn program, an intense learning experience that prepares them to build, lead and develop organizations in the global arena.

CIVICA’s first multicampus course concludes with European teamwork

15 December 2021
Europe faces challenging times - from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change to economic recovery – and 130 master's students across the CIVICA alliance have just spent three months analyzing the EU’s policy responses to these challenges in the first Europeanship multicampus course "The Future of Europe".

Robert Östling receives the Assar Lindbeck Medal

14 December 2021
The Assar Lindbeck Medal 2021 is awarded to professors Robert Östling and Erik Lindqvist, active at the Stockholm School of Economics respectively the Institute for Social Research at Stockholm University. The award, in honor of Assar Lindbeck's diverse and pioneering economic research efforts, is awarded every two years to researchers under the age of 45 who are active in Sweden, which have contributed significantly to economic thinking and economic knowledge.

Announcement of Best Company Project 2021

13 December 2021
Winning project report: "The Use of AI and AR technologies in IKEA".

Micael Dahlén om svår1gh3ten m3d s1ffr0r: ”De styr våra liv”

13 December 2021
Professor Micael Dahlén varnar i en ny bok för att vi blivit för beroende av siffror.

Discretion, efficiency, and abuse in public procurement: A new eBook

10 December 2021
On December 15th, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) will be organising an online book launch event of a new eBook co-edited by SITE researcher Giancarlo Spagnolo titled “Procurement in Focus: Rules, Discretion, and Emergencies”.

Migration and integration in a post pandemic world: socioeconomic opportunities and challenges

09 December 2021

KAM session at Svensk Handel

08 December 2021
Key Account Managers in the Retail Clubs were treated to a session on retail, digitalization, and consumer rights at Svensk Handel (Swedish Trade Federation).

MBA scholarship recipients to strengthen Swedish competitiveness

08 December 2021
Linda Frygell and Raphael Neves Batista have been awarded the Carl Silfvén SSE MBA 2021 Autumn scholarships. The scholarships are given to the next generation of leaders to promote the competitiveness of Swedish-based business in an international market.