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Entrepreneurship, innovation, governance and family business: meet Professor Mattias Nordqvist

02 June 2020
Mattias Nordqvist joined SSE’s House of Innovation in January 2020 as a professor of Business Administration with a focus on entrepreneurship. We have asked him some questions to get to know him better!

Swedish export during the Covid crisis

02 June 2020
Exports are important for the Swedish economy. Measures to counteract the spread of the corona virus in the form of closed borders and strict restrictions have slowed global trade. What are the consequences of the corona pandemic for international trade and the global supply chains? How seriously are Swedish exports affected? And how do companies handle the challenge?

Op-ed in Svenska Dagbladet: Sweden needs more tests

01 June 2020
In an op-ed in Svenska Dagbladet, Herman Holm (psychiatry) and network member Daniel Spiro (economics) outline society’s broad needs for testing. They mention four aspects of the crisis that can be alleviated by extensive testing: medical, mental health, economic, and information-based decision-making. Taking these aspects into account the conclusion is that Sweden’s current ambition of 100 000 tests per week needs to be increased manifold.

Forecasting the local progression of the Covid-19 epidemic

30 May 2020
Combining ideas from several fields of mathematics - tropical geometry, Perron-Frobenius theory, probability and optimisation, transport PDE in population dynamics - a new study provides an algorithm to monitor the epidemic based on medical emergency calls.

Socio-economic assessment of infection control measures

30 May 2020
A new report written by an expert group chaired by Steinar Holden and commissioned by the Norwegian Directorate of Health assesses the socio-economic effects of infection control and prevention measures.

SSE Library Session with Jason Timbuktu Diakité

29 May 2020
Jason Diakité, known as Timbuktu to the public, is a world renowned hip-hop artist and author. In a live-streamed conversation on June 3, 5.15 pm, he will talk about growing up as a black child in an all white society and how generations have been affected by the trauma of the African diaspora, with Lovisa Fhager Havdelin, Secretary General at non-profit human rights organisation Teskedsorden. Open for all!

Can mindfulness reduce stress at work?

29 May 2020
If you’re already feeling stressed at work – or even if you’re not – a pandemic definitely doesn’t help. Incorporating mindfulness into your workday can not only reduce stress but also improve task performance, new research suggests.

Job search behaviour during Covid-19

28 May 2020
A recent report by Lena Hensvik, Thomas Le Barbanchon and Roland Rathelot shows that job search on Sweden’s largest job board Platsbanken changed markedly around the time of the outbreak of Covid 19.

Master student Quyen Nguyen awarded Global Swede 2020

28 May 2020
For the tenth consecutive year the Global Swede Award ceremony was arranged by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs in collaboration with Swedish Institute, SI. It was the first digitally arranged ceremony. Quyen Nguyen, currently a master student at the Business and Management program of Stockholm School of Economics, was one of 19 students to be awarded.

HOI research | The moderating role of the dynamic capability of small manufacturing firms

28 May 2020
Today’s international markets are saturated with overwhelming concerns about issues related to the environment, specifically with issues related to how business intersects with environmental conservation. Consumers are becoming more and more prone to purchase products that consider the environment and sustainability, and they are more willing to pay the premium price tag that comes along with supporting those sustainability efforts. This growing concern has inspired manufacturing firms to develop more effective environmental management practices as they innovate newer and better products.