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New study: Individual wellbeing doesn’t always add up to team wellbeing

07 April 2024
A new study published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior has examined the dynamics between individual well-being and team well-being in the workplace through a qualitative diary study of 12 teams. The research, conducted by Emma Nordbäck, a member of the Center for Responsible Leadership and an Assistant Professor at Hanken School of Economics, along with her colleagues, sheds light on interesting insights regarding how team and individual well-being are connected in paradoxical ways.

Second module of the European Sports Business Program (ESBP) held at the Stockholm School of Economics

31 March 2024
The European Sports Business Program's (ESBP) second module convened at the Stockholm School of Economics from March 25 to March 27. This session, focusing on Management & Execution, was led by Professor Martin Carlsson-Wall, Director of the Center for Sports & Business.

Sustainability campaigns at Systembolaget

27 March 2024
The students in Systembolaget Retail Club had a workshop around sustainability campaigns.

Cyber security and insurance with Sentor

27 March 2024
The E-Commerce Retail Club met with Sentor for a workshop in cyber security and cyber insurance for retail companies.

SSE researchers receive SEK 54 million in funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

27 March 2024
The Wallenberg Scholars program aims to provide leading researchers in Sweden with grants for free basic research in areas of their own choosing. Three SSE professors are recipients of funding from the KAW Foundation.

Skills Economy at ICA

26 March 2024
ICA held a Theme Lecture on skills economy for the students in the Retail Management program led by Frida Monsén, Learning and Technology Talent Lead at ICA Group.

Research on the effect of moving away from minute-by-minute schedules in the home care service

26 March 2024
Addressing concerns over inflexible scheduling practices in home care, several municipalities are now opting for increased staff autonomy and flexibility. A new study led by Nora Hansson Bittár aims to uncover the impact on well-being and care quality.

The SIR office closed

25 March 2024
The SIR Office will be closed during the period of 26 March - 1 April.

Misum Annual Report 2023 out now

25 March 2024
The latest Misum Annual Report is now available, showcasing a range of sustainability-focused research projects, engaging multi-stakeholder events, and highlights from Misum's outreach and research communication activities.

HOI research | Systemic crises change how investors evaluate acquisitions

21 March 2024
Published in the Journal of Management Studies, this study reveals how systemic crises, like the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-09, fundamentally alter the cognitive frameworks (or 'recipes') investors use to assess acquisition announcements.