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Dagens Industri Debatt: The New Productivity Commission Needs to Elevate Swedish Leadership

03 February 2023
Louise Bringselius, affiliated researcher at SSE, and Karl Wennberg, scientific director of GaPP, argue that the Western world and Sweden, in particular, face major challenges and fierce international competition in a new Dagens Industri debate article.

Hur förebygger vi etnisk diskriminering?

03 February 2023
Välkommen till ett digitalt panelsamtal 7 februari 2023 där politiker, forskare och företrädare från näringslivet diskuterar vad som kan göras för att öka kunskapen om situationen så att vi tillsammans kan skapa mer välmående arbetsplatser. Anette Risberg, forskare vid Center for Responsible Leadership, deltar.

On screen during February 2023 at SSE: Yinka Shonibare´s film Un Ballo in Maschera

03 February 2023
During February 2023 Art Initiative will show the British/Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare´s film Un Ballo in Maschera (2004), on the screen in the north corridor on the ground floor of Sveavägen 65. The screening is yet another way for the students at SSE to learn about Yinka Shonibare´s artistry, as a temporary companion piece to the Yinka Shonibare Room two floors up in the same building.

Store visit & Store concept at Swedish Match

01 February 2023
The Swedish Match retail club students had an interesting lecture at the Snus & Tändsticks museum at Skansen, giving their ideas on how to develop their store concept.

Anders Sewerin from the Center for Sports & Business at SEF Network Arena

27 January 2023
On Friday January 26th, Anders Sewerin from the Center for Sports & Business attended the 5th edition of Swedish Elite Football's (SEF) Network Arena in Amsterdam to talk about the Management Diploma for Athletes Program.

21st Century Sports: How Technologies will Impact Sports in the Digital Age

25 January 2023
On Wednesday January 25th, the Center for Sports & Business at SSE held its 2nd joint alumni event together with the ESSEC Business School and WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management. The theme of this digital event was 21st Century Sports: How Technologies will Impact Sports in the Digital Age and the keynote speech was given by Professor Sascha Schmidt from WHU.

Marketing & Communication at Coop

24 January 2023
Johan Öhlin, Marketing Manager at Coop, delivered a theme lecture to the students across all three years of the Retail Management program.

Project in Rwanda receives the Gun and Einar Larsson scholarship

23 January 2023
Students Katarina Li Qiu and Buene Gjana have been awarded the Gun and Einar Larsson Scholarship 2023 (GELS) for their project “The Making of Rwanda’s Physical Education Curriculum”.

First two projects awarded funds from SSE Gender Equality Fund

20 January 2023
The SSE Library, with their project “The diversity & equality book collection”, and the External Relations department, with their project “Female student recruitment”, were the first projects to be awarded funds from the newly established SSE Gender Equality Fund.

Professor Lars Strannegård elected Chair of CEMS

18 January 2023
CEMS, the unique global alliance of 34 of the world’s leading business schools and more than 70 corporate and social partners which together deliver the CEMS Master in International Management (MIM), has elected Professor Lars Strannegård, President of the Stockholm School of Economics as its new Chair and Professor Sherif Kamel, Dean of the American University in Cairo Business School as Deputy-Chair.  Professor Strannegard takes up his new role having already served for two years as the Alliance’s Deputy Chair.