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Patrik Ström, Director of European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS): Japanpodden

07 February 2024
Japanpodden Intervju med Patrik Ström, European Instititute of Japanese Studies (EIJS)

Öppet seminarium vid Score

07 February 2024
Torsdag 15 februari 2024 kl. 10.00-11.30 gästas Scores öppna seminarium av Marcus Mohall, postdoktor vid Institutionen för Tema, Linköpings universitet och Pär Wikman, lektor vid Institutionen för Tema, Linköpings universitet.

Katja Einola receives the SSE Partners' Research Award

06 February 2024
Katja Einola is the 2023 recipient of the SSE Partners’ Research Award. Her work on team dynamics and the making and unmaking of teams, as well as her contributions to a vivid conversation on ‘positive’ leadership demonstrate that Katja Einila has the potential to become an impactful international scholar in the future.

Patrik Ström, Director of European Institute of Japanese Studies, in Svenska Dagbladet

06 February 2024
"Toppelevernas svaghet - Kritiskt tänkande"

What is the evidence on the Swedish “paternity leave” policy?

05 February 2024
Since 1995, Sweden has allocated increasing parental leave to both parents, encouraging fathers' involvement. Pamela Campa, researcher from SITE, analyzes Sweden's parental leave policies, revealing diverse impacts on parental roles and gender attitudes.

"I give students the tools to catch the fish"

05 February 2024
Milda Tylaite, Assistant Professor at the Department of Accounting and Deputy Director for the MSc program in Accounting, Valuation & Financial Management, never intended to pursue an academic career. But her passion for teaching and research, coupled with her willingness to speak up, made it an irresistible path for her.

Ukrainian refugees: Who returns and why?

02 February 2024
Following the Russian invasion, 60% of the 17 million Ukrainian refugees have returned home. Family connections, educational prospects, and a commitment to rebuilding are key drivers, according to a recent study by Ilona Sologoub, VoxUkraine editor and FREE Network affiliate.

HOI research | Online shopping favors environmental labels, in-store promotes social labels

01 February 2024
Service firms aiming for sustainability can benefit by aligning their marketing strategies with consumer motives across different shopping channels. A new study published in the Journal of Service Retail reveals that online shoppers select products with environmental labels, while in-store shoppers pick products with social sustainability labels.

PhD Defense | Business model innovation in telecommunications: Insights from Ericsson's evolution

01 February 2024
Dr. Mats Pettersson’s newly defended doctoral dissertation from the House of Innovation explores how Ericsson, a telecommunications giant, strategically employs business model innovation to thrive amidst technological advancements like AI and 5G. It emphasizes the shift from product-focused strategies to service-oriented and collaborative business models, crucial for value creation and value capture in the digital era. The research provides a valuable guide for similar firms adapting to technological changes.

Congratulations to Lin, winner of the 2023 Corporate Partners Teaching Award

31 January 2024
​​​​​​Lin Lerpold was awarded the 2023 SSE Corporate Partners ​​Pedagogical Award for her long-term commitment to establishing sustainability in the SSE curricula across both degree and executive education programs.