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Two-Day Visit from the Swedish Golf Association at the Stockholm School of Economics

22 March 2022
On March 21th and 22th, the Swedish Golf Association spent two days at the Stockholm School of Economics. For many years, the Swedish Golf Association has been a partner to the Center for Sports and Business.

SSE professor serves on Minister for Finance's economic council

21 March 2022
Robert Östling, Professor of Economics at SSE, is one of six members on Finansministerns ekonomiska råd (the Minister for Finance's economic council). The economic council will provide Sweden’s Minister for Finance, Mikael Damberg, with policy advice on current economic and scientific issues.

Från A till B – podd med professor Micael Dahlen

21 March 2022
I podcasten belyser ekonomiprofessorn och framtidsspanaren Micael Dahlen den fossilfria omställningen och framtidens transporter. Kommer det ens vara möjligt att åstadkomma de förändringar vi vill för att kunna ställa om inför den gröna transformationen? Och hur ska elnätet räcka till?

Do sanctions from US and EU push autocracies closer to each other?

18 March 2022
What is the biggest problem with imposing sanctions on autocracies? How are the cost of sanctions shared across the sanctioned party? Jonathan Lehne, Assistant Professor at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), talks about the "Fortress Russia" strategy and how the Russian economy's exposure to sanctions has changed since 2014.

How can higher energy prices for oil and gas affect green transition?

18 March 2022
Can oil and gas sanctions and EU’s plans to reduce dependence on Russian energy affect EU transition to renewables? Elena Paltseva, Associate Professor at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), shares her insights and discusses the current European growth strategy.

Open Seminar at Score: Irene van Oorschot

16 March 2022
Welcome to a seminar on Thursday 24 March with Irene van Oorschot, Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Sociological Research (CeSO), KU Leuven.

Lukas Goretzki has been appointed Professor of Management Accounting & Control at the Department of Accounting at SSE

16 March 2022
Lukas Goretzki obtained his PhD in business administration from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in December 2011. He worked as a Postdoc at the Institute of Management Accounting & Control (IMC) at WHU and as an assistant professor at the University of Innsbruck before joining SSE in February 2018 as an associate professor. In February 2022, he was granted a full professorship at the Department of Accounting.

Does business school education increase students’ stock market participation?

15 March 2022
New paper from three Misum researchers on how business school education affects students’ stock market participation.

Sustainability in focus when SSE’s star jury backs nine new companies

14 March 2022
Companies like Budbee, Voi Technology and Klarna are success stories that got their start at the Stockholm School of Economics’ prestigious venture incubator SSE Business Lab. Nine new companies have now been admitted to the incubator and hope to follow in the same footsteps.

Can Russia's economy survive? Torbjörn Becker shares his insights in BBC podcast

14 March 2022
The invasion of Ukraine has already begun reshaping the world. The bombardment of Ukrainian cities has led to the deaths of thousands of civilians and forced millions to flee the country. But the war has also completely upended the global economy. Russia is paying the heaviest economic price, as it grapples with Western-led sanctions on its banks, major industries and individuals associated with President Vladimir Putin. Can Russia's economy survive?