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Best Paper Award, 2021 EAR Annual Conference

06 December 2021
The Department of Accounting celebrates faculty achievements

Press release on CSPC and the Ax:son Johnson Institute of Statecraft and Diplomacy

06 December 2021
Media announcement with comments from Dr Rikard Westerberg, SSE President Lars Strannegård and the Chairman of the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation for Public Benefit, Viveca Ax:son Johnson.

Abhijeet Singh winner of SSE Corporate Partners’ Research Award 2021

06 December 2021
Associate Professor Abhijeet Singh has been awarded the SSE Corporate Partners’ Research Award 2021 for his empirical studies of education polices. The award, which amounts to 100,000 SEK, was presented by SSE President Lars Strannegård.

Emma Stenström awarded the SSE Corporate Partners’ Pedagogical Award 2021

06 December 2021
This year's Corporate Partners' Pedagogical Award goes to Emma Stenström for her long-standing passion for pedagogical innovation and her deep commitment to the development of responsible citizens and leaders. SSE President Lars Strannegård presented the award, which amounts to 100,000 SEK.

Carl Kindborg awarded the SSE MBA Corporate Partner Scholarship

06 December 2021
The SSE MBA Corporate Partner Scholarship is awarded to Carl Kindborg, Head of Human Resources Nordic Region at Citi.

The Stockholm School of Economics is investing in research at the crossroads between political science, history and political communication

06 December 2021
The Stockholm School of Economics is launching a new center for research in Statecraft – the capacity for governing a country. The center will form part of a unique collaboration with three world-leading institutes in international relations and history. The initiative broadens the School’s offering in the social sciences and humanities for students and researchers.

Filmat webinar: Bli en vinnare efter krisen - och förbered er för nästa kris

06 December 2021

New report on Integrating Sustainability in Investment Analysis out now

03 December 2021
In a new report from Swesif, co-produced by Misum, researchers Emma Sjöström and Rachelle Belinga look at drivers and challenges for integrating ESG issues in financial analysis.

Bertil Ohlin Between the Lines - Nobel Week Light

02 December 2021
This year the Stockholm School of Economics will be lit up as part of the Nobel Week Light. The light installation Between the lines is created by Fanny Englund and Bruna Porsia from The Light Bureau as an hommage to Bertil Ohlin, SSE professor and one of the Nobel laureates in 1977.

Announcing two postdoctoral fellowships

02 December 2021
We are pleased to announce two fully funded postdoctoral fellowships. Please follow the link for more information.