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Merchandising at H&M

06 October 2021
H&M's Retail Club had a workshop about merchandising.

Clas Ohlson's Employer Branding

06 October 2021
Clas Ohlson's Retail Club participated in a workshop about employer branding.

The future of the physical retail at H&M

05 October 2021
H&M held a theme lecture about the future of the company's physical retail.

CIVICA celebrates two years of positive impact in European higher education

05 October 2021
CIVICA - A growing number of students and (post)doctoral researchers across the alliance are benefitting from the newly launched programmes and offers.

Clifton Strengths Workshop with Swedish Match

29 September 2021
Swedish Match's Retail Club had a Clifton Strengths workshop.

Insights into the SME company of Design House Stockholm

29 September 2021
SME Retail Club had a study visit at Design House location in Stockholm.

Artificial Intelligence Workshop at Accenture

29 September 2021
Accenture Retail Club had a workshop about Artificial Intelligence.

DN Debatt 25/9: ”Nyhetsjournalistiken överlever inte utan läsarnas förtroende”

29 September 2021

Theme Lecture by Accenture

28 September 2021
Accenture had a Theme Lecture about the digital consumers in the Nordic grocery industry.

Satsning på testbädd för kliniska studier inom cancervården får Vinnovastöd

24 September 2021
Forskningsinstitutet SIR vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm är koordinator för Nollvision cancer och för den nya innovationsmiljön ”Test Bed Sweden for Clinical Trials and Implementation of Precision Health in Cancer Care”, som har beviljats finansiering i fem år av Vinnova och som kommer att ingå i det nationella strategiska innovationsprogrammet SWElife.