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Business school education, motivation, and young adults' stock market participation

11 April 2022
New research from Department of Accounting faculty examines whether business school education increases students’ stock market participation.

SSE students visit the University of Cambridge

05 April 2022
The course in applied history takes students to Peterhouse College and the Centre for Geopolitics, where they learn about the past from prominent historians.

Torbjörn Becker in Dagens Nyheter: "Sanctions on oil could end Putin's money"

04 April 2022
In a recently published op-ed, Torbjörn Becker, Director of the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, discusses why Russia must be forced to pay a higher price for its war in Ukraine. Sanctions should be directed at oil and gas exports, and it is also time to increase the pressure on the banking system. Frozen Russian assets in the West could later become a good basis for Ukraine's reconstruction.

SITE board member Veronika Bard in an interview with the daily Swedish newspaper SvD “What we see is totalitarianism"

01 April 2022
Former Swedish ambassador to Moscow and the OSCE Veronika Bard declares the OSCE project dead, calls for a Swedish-Russia strategy and warns against underestimating the Kremlin's political leadership.

“From small violence comes big violence”

28 March 2022
At SSE research center SITE, the war in Ukraine has not just hit close to home for research assistant Hanna Anisimova. It is literally devastating her hometown of Donetsk and threatening the lives of friends and family. But also creating rifts between them.

Why does Sweden still send financial support to Russia?

25 March 2022
Against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Swedish financial support to Russia has become questioned. Anders Olofsgård, Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and Deputy Director at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), explains why we need to understand what that support is actually financing and what its purpose is.

SSE Corporate Partners join top 50 leaders in tech

24 March 2022
Leaders at several Corporate Partners have been named top 50 leaders in tech in Sweden 2022 by IDG. Two of them are Vahid Zohali, CEO at IBM Sweden, and Liselotte Andersson, working in Strategy and Business Development at Coop.

SSE professor serves on Minister for Finance's economic council

21 March 2022
Robert Östling, Professor of Economics at SSE, is one of six members on Finansministerns ekonomiska råd (the Minister for Finance's economic council). The economic council will provide Sweden’s Minister for Finance, Mikael Damberg, with policy advice on current economic and scientific issues.

Do sanctions from US and EU push autocracies closer to each other?

18 March 2022
What is the biggest problem with imposing sanctions on autocracies? How are the cost of sanctions shared across the sanctioned party? Jonathan Lehne, Assistant Professor at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), talks about the "Fortress Russia" strategy and how the Russian economy's exposure to sanctions has changed since 2014.

How can higher energy prices for oil and gas affect green transition?

18 March 2022
Can oil and gas sanctions and EU’s plans to reduce dependence on Russian energy affect EU transition to renewables? Elena Paltseva, Associate Professor at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE), shares her insights and discusses the current European growth strategy.