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Robert Östling receives the Assar Lindbeck Medal

14 December 2021
The Assar Lindbeck Medal 2021 is awarded to professors Robert Östling and Erik Lindqvist, active at the Stockholm School of Economics respectively the Institute for Social Research at Stockholm University. The award, in honor of Assar Lindbeck's diverse and pioneering economic research efforts, is awarded every two years to researchers under the age of 45 who are active in Sweden, which have contributed significantly to economic thinking and economic knowledge.

Abhijeet Singh winner of SSE Corporate Partners’ Research Award 2021

06 December 2021
Associate Professor Abhijeet Singh has been awarded the SSE Corporate Partners’ Research Award 2021 for his empirical studies of education polices. The award, which amounts to 100,000 SEK, was presented by SSE President Lars Strannegård.

Emma Stenström awarded the SSE Corporate Partners’ Pedagogical Award 2021

06 December 2021
This year's Corporate Partners' Pedagogical Award goes to Emma Stenström for her long-standing passion for pedagogical innovation and her deep commitment to the development of responsible citizens and leaders. SSE President Lars Strannegård presented the award, which amounts to 100,000 SEK.

Carl Kindborg awarded the SSE MBA Corporate Partner Scholarship

06 December 2021
The SSE MBA Corporate Partner Scholarship is awarded to Carl Kindborg, Head of Human Resources Nordic Region at Citi.

The Stockholm School of Economics is investing in research at the crossroads between political science, history and political communication

06 December 2021
The Stockholm School of Economics is launching a new center for research in Statecraft – the capacity for governing a country. The center will form part of a unique collaboration with three world-leading institutes in international relations and history. The initiative broadens the School’s offering in the social sciences and humanities for students and researchers.

Laurence Romani appointed Professor of Management

02 December 2021
Laurence Romani has been appointed professor of management at the Department of Management and Organization at the Stockholm School of Economics. Laurence Romani’s research investigates the social responsibilities of organizations, in particular, in their management and inclusion of diversity.

Stockholm School of Economics selects Ex Libris Esploro

30 November 2021
The Esploro solution will help the school showcase the complete breadth of its scholars’ research; facilitate the discovery of publications on SwePub, Sweden’s scientific publishing network and provide the library and research office with in-depth analytics and reports.

SSE student representing CIVICA on prestigious event in Rome

17 November 2021
Linnea Svanberg is a first-year master student of Finance at SSE and one of the school’s CIVICA ambassadors. She just came back from a prestigious event in Rome, where she has presented a report that she has been co-writing together with other students from the CIVICA-network. It all started with a student initiative at Bocconi University in Milan.

SSE Business Lab’s star jury backs 11 new companies

08 November 2021
Today, eleven new companies today start their journeys in the Stockholm School of Economics’ prestigious venture incubator SSE Business Lab. Among tough competition these companies managed to impress the star-studded Board of Admissions, with profiles like Lisa Lindström, Sven Hagströmer and Anna Stenberg, with their pitches.

SSE alum and Minister for Finance Magdalena Andersson visited SSE

21 October 2021
The Swedish Economics Association's annual meeting was held Wednesday afternoon, where Sweden’s Minister for Finance, Magdalena Andersson, presented the government’s budget proposal.