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SSE students win first and second prizes in Swedish Competition Authority's annual thesis competition

01 December 2023
In the annual thesis competition organized by the Swedish Competition Authority, students from the Department of Economics at SSE have achieved notable success. The first prize in the economics category was awarded to William Stålhök and Knut Örnéus for their thesis on wind power production and strategic withholding. Additionally, Herman Rogefors and William Karlsson, also from Department of Economics, secured the second prize for their thesis exploring wind power investment incentives in Sweden.

Johanna Rickne receives the Assar Lindbeck Medal 2023

29 November 2023
The Assar Lindbeck Medal 2023 is awarded to professors Johanna Rickne, affiliated professor at the Stockholm School of Economics and professor at Stockholm University, and Olle Folke, professor at Uppsala University. The prize honors Assar Lindbeck's diverse and groundbreaking contributions to economic research and is given every two years to researchers in Sweden under 45 who have significantly contributed to economic thinking and knowledge.

New publication | On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions

20 November 2023
A meta-analysis of field audits of gender gaps in application outcomes between 1976 and 2020 found that the discrimination of women for male-typed and balanced jobs decreased over time. Anna Dreber Almenberg and Magnus Johannesson, Professors at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish a new article in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Taxation, Labor Supply, and Retirement Behavior: A Glimpse into Johanna Wallenius' Career and Research, Featured in Talouselämä Magazine

15 November 2023
In an interview with Talouselämä Magazine, Johanna Wallenius, Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics at SSE, explores her career and research, revealing the influence of Nobel Laureate Edward Prescott's work on taxation and labor supply on her professional journey. Emphasizing her focus on retirement behavior.

New study examines the foreign influences shaping Sweden’s economy

23 October 2023
With 73% of Sweden's economy influenced by international shocks, policymakers and businesses require strategic adaptability – especially in light of the recent interest rate hikes by central banks around the world. In a study conducted for the Sveriges Riksbank, researcher Lina Thomas sheds light on Sweden's deep economic interdependencies on global events.

New publication | Pre-electoral coalitions and the distribution of political power

12 October 2023
Pre-electoral coalitions in Finland often form between parties of similar size and ideology, strategically influencing power distribution and potentially broadening the representation of citizen preferences through increased leadership opportunities for smaller parties and a more dispersed seat distribution. Jaakko Meriläinen, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish new article in Public Choice.

FROGEE and SITE celebrates Nobel prize to Claudia Goldin for her studies on gender inequality in the labor market

10 October 2023
Yesterday on 9th of October, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences was bestowed upon Prof. Claudia Goldin of Harvard University for her pioneering work on women's labor market evolution. FROGEE and SITE extends heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Goldin for this esteemed recognition.

Sweden poised to lead the way in wellbeing and happiness research

06 October 2023
The Nordic countries consistently lead the rankings in both happiness and quality of life. With the launch of its new Center for Wellbeing, Welfare and Happiness, the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) aims to establish Sweden as the foremost knowledge hub for wellness and happiness research in the world. And, as the first business school in the world, SSE is also establishing a new professorship dedicated entirely to the subject of happiness, wellbeing and welfare.

Impact of foreign aid on women's empowerment

31 August 2023
In this working paper, forthcoming in the Journal of Development Studies, researchers from SITE examines foreign aid's influence on women's empowerment in Malawi using geo-coded data. Positive impacts are observed, but context matters—gender-targeted aid varies in efficacy across communities.

Celebrating Ukraine's national Independence Day: A message of solidarity from SITE and the FREE Network

24 August 2023
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the FREE Network wish to extend heartfelt greetings to the brave people of Ukraine on National Independence Day, August 24.