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HOI research | DAOs: How skin in the game transforms decentralized finance

30 May 2024
As cryptocurrency has risen in prominence as an alternative currency, so have decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) risen as an alternative form of organizing enabled by technology. A new study investigates how DAOs are redefining collective action in managing digital resources. Published in MIS Quarterly, the research highlights how skin in the game in DAOs creates both the innovative governance of radically decentralized organizations and drives participation and innovation among diverse stakeholders.

New Publication - Beyond the silver bullet: unveiling multiple pathways to school turnaround

30 May 2024
Research on school improvement shows multiple factors aid turnarounds at underperforming schools. Using qualitative comparative analysis of 77 Swedish schools over 12 years, no single solution was found. Instead, different factor combinations work, depending on the local context. This has implications for school improvement research and education policy.

New publication | Nonstandard Errors

08 May 2024
A multi-analyst study where over 160 independent research teams in finance tested the same six hypotheses on the same data set, found very large variation in results across the research teams. Anna Dreber Almenberg and Magnus Johannesson, Professors at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish a new article in Journal of Finance.

How does Climate Polarization Shape Green Investments?

02 May 2024

Executive MBA-utbildningen stärkte Ninas karriär som hållbarhetsstrateg

17 April 2024
Efter sexton år på H&M Group, varav flera år som hållbarhetsstrateg med fokus på cirkulärekonomi, transparens och hållbara affärsmodeller, kände sig Nina Shariati redo för att utvecklas professionellt genom att gå en Executive MBA-utbildning på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. För Ninas del var SSE MBA Carl Silfvén-stipendiet en viktig möjliggörare för att hon skulle kunna gå utbildningen som både bidragit med ny kompetens, inspiration, kontakter och extra mod.

HOI research | Systemic crises change how investors evaluate acquisitions

21 March 2024
Published in the Journal of Management Studies, this study reveals how systemic crises, like the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-09, fundamentally alter the cognitive frameworks (or 'recipes') investors use to assess acquisition announcements.

HOI research | Repositioning entrepreneurship: embracing the biosphere and exploring the in-between

21 March 2024
In their study, Dodd, Anderson, and Jack argue for a profound repositioning of entrepreneurship research, advocating for a focus beyond economic measures to include social and environmental considerations. Their work calls for entrepreneurship to be seen as a dynamic, change-making process deeply embedded in the 'in-between' spaces of society and nature.

HOI research | Healthcare platforms need new strategies for success

14 March 2024
New research published in the MIT Sloan Management Review suggests health care platforms need unique strategies, distinct from those of traditional digital platforms, to thrive. This study underscores the importance of integration over replacement and highlights the necessity for tailored approaches in the health care sector.

New publication | Solving the Diamond–Mortensen–Pissarides model: A hybrid perturbation approach

05 March 2024
This newly published paper, written by Matthias Hänsel, a PhD student at SSE, proposes a Hybrid Perturbation method to accurately solve Search-and-Matching models. An application to the Hagedorn and Manovskii (2008) model demonstrates its effectiveness in capturing non-linear model dynamics.

New publication | The Impact of Stock Price Fragility on Corporate Financial Behavior: Evidence and Implications

13 February 2024
This paper, written by Professor Richard Friberg and co-authors, investigates how firms adjust their financial strategies in response to changes in exposure to non-fundamental price movements, known as stock price fragility. Through theoretical modeling and empirical analysis, we explore the implications of stock price fragility on corporate cash holdings, investment decisions, and liquidity management.