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The Donor Footprint and Gender Gaps

01 June 2017
by Maria Perrotta Berlin, Evelina Bonnier and Anders Olofsgård, UNU Wider Working Paper

misum i almedalen 2017

30 May 2017
Allt om Misums deltagande i Almedalen 2017. Schemat kommer att uppdateras löpande.

Professor Micael Dahlen får årets Mensapris

29 May 2017
Ekonomiprofessorn Micael Dahlen vinner årets Mensapris, som delas ut av föreningen Mensa Sverige. Priset syftar till att ”uppmuntra någon vars gärning identifierar och främjar mänsklig intelligens”.

Four lucky students awarded K-A Bonnier International Fellows Program

29 May 2017
For the first time, four students have been awarded the exciting K-A Bonnier International Fellows Program. Mai Pham, Wasita Thongdee, Josefina Hagberg, and Märta Eriksson (who hail from from Sweden, Thailand, and Vietnam respectively), will have the opportunity to earn a Master degree at two highly esteemed business schools – the Stockholm School of Economics and the National University of Singapore.

SITE Development Day 2017 – Financing for Development

29 May 2017
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs organised the annual SITE Development Day conference on the topic of development finance. The conference brought together distinguished academics, industry experts, development economists, policy makers and guests interested in the topic.

Leniency, Asymmetric Punishment and Corruption: Evidence from China

24 May 2017
By Maria Perrotta Berlin, Giancarlo Spagnolo and Bei Qin, SITE Working Paper

Sara Rosengren has been appointed the first holder of the ICA Retailers’ Chair in Business Administration, especially Retailing

23 May 2017
A generous donation from the Association of ICA Retailers has enabled the establishment of a new professorship in retailing at the Stockholm School of Economics. Professor Sara Rosengren has been appointed as the first holder of this chair.

Skatter som drivkraft för företags lokalisering

22 May 2017
Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall, forskare i bolagsstyring, deltar i riksdagsseminarium om skatters betydelse för företags lokalisering.


17 May 2017
New position at HHS! https://www.hhs.se/en/about-us/news/vacancies/2017/tenure-track-position-in-innovation-and-operations-management-at-the-stockholm-school-of-economics/

SSE MBA Student receives the Global Swede Award

17 May 2017
Miranda Restorick, a student enrolled at the SSE MBA Executive Format, is one of the international top students who received the Global Swede Award 2017 .