Mikaela Lundh is the Female Economist of the Year
06 February 2017
The Female Economist of the Year 2016 is Mikaela Lundh. The scholarship, which highlights future female leaders, is being awarded for the 16th consecutive year to an outstanding female student at the Stockholm School of Economics.
Utlysning av tre doktorandplatser på center for business law
06 February 2017
Center for Business Law på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm utlyser tre stipendiefinansierade doktorandplatser på forskarutbildningen i rättsvetenskap med inriktning mot offentlig upphandlingsrätt, skatterätt samt associationsrätt.
it´s here! The SSE Annual research book: this year on sustainable development and business
02 February 2017
Every year since 1992, the SSE Institute for Research (SIR) has produced an annual book with new research from Stockholm School of Economics. This year the theme is sustainability and researchers from Misum played a large part: out of twelve chapters, Misum researchers contributed to eight.
Handelsforskare bekämpar fattigdom från rymden
02 February 2017
Misum-forskaren Erik Wetter intervjuad i Dagens Industri om sitt projekt Flowminder som kombinerar satellitdata från mobiloperatörer för att mäta och i slutändan påverka fattigdomsnivån i olika delar av världen.
Handelsforskare mäter fattigdom från rymden
01 February 2017
Den ideella organisationen Flowminder grundad av forskare från Karolinska Institutet och Handelshögskolan har i samarbete med Telenor, och Grameenphone i Bangladesh utvecklat en metod för att kombinera satellitdata med data från mobiloperatörer för att med hög upplösning kunna kartlägga fattigdom.
SSE welcomes Professor Tensie Whelan to Stockholm
01 February 2017
Tensie Whelan, Professor of Business and Society and Director of the Center for Sustainable Business at NYU Stern School of Business is currently visiting Stockholm School of Economics. The Global Challenges Program team and Misum at Stockholm School of Economics reached out to her some time ago and initiated the visit.
Stockholm School of Economics Alumni and Friends show their support in 2016
27 January 2017
Thanks to the support of alumni and friends, we are proud to announce that we received donations from alumni and friends, which exceeded our annual fundraising goal. Yet, we acknowledge the need for continued support, in order to stay competitive in the international arena.
Misums lin lerpold in the hill: message to trump
26 January 2017
Misums Lin Lerpold together with 24 business school professors, all of whom are founders or board members of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS), wrote an op ed article to President Trump.
Temporary work of art at SSE
25 January 2017
On January 25 Misum hosted a seminar on sustainable consumption. During the night, Patrik Qvist, the artist, created a temporary work of art intended to widen our perspective on the seminar's theme: sustainable consumption.
Ny plattform för idrott och innovation
24 January 2017
En internationellt slagkraftig satsning på idrott och innovationer. Det är målet för Sveriges Olympiska Akademi. Den nya plattformen för vetenskap och idrott är ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Karolinska Institutet och Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.