Sustainable development goals in conflict
13 October 2016
NEW PAPER PUBLISHED: If we continue with business as usual, with our focus on economic growth and consumption, the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be difficult to achieve. That’s the bottom line in a new paper co-authored by Misum’s Ranjula Bali Swain, Professor of Economics. Below is a short interview with her.
This year's MBA scholar is Louise Croneborg – Jones, Water Resources Management Specialist at the World Bank
13 October 2016
For the tenth consecutive year a scholarship is awarded for Executive MBA studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship (worth SEK 465,000) is based on cooperation between Dagens Industri, the Stockholm School of Economics and, and is given to the next generation of leaders in order to strengthen Swedish business.
Misum-forskare på DN debatt: vår konsumtion måste minska
10 October 2016
Misum-forskarna Lin Lerpold och Örjan Sjöberg på DN debatt söndagen den 9 oktober 2016:
“Regeringen missar målet: konsumtionen måste minska."
Russia’s State Armament Plan of 2010 – The Macro View in mid-2016
09 October 2016
New policy brief by Torbjörn Becker, Director of the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, provides an analysis of what the new macro economic reality of Russia means for its armament plans.
Handelsstudenter diskuterar finansmarknadens ansvar för globala utmaningar
07 October 2016
På Handelshögskolan presenteras idag hur Ålandsbanken utvecklat ett bankindex som gör det möjligt att få fram CO2-utsläpp kopplat till ekonomisk transaktion, världens första bankindex för automatisk klimatpåverkan per transaktion. Projektet presenteras på ett seminarium som inleds av Finansmarknads- och konsumentminister Per Bolund och ingår i det nya utbildningsspåret Global Challenges.
Welcome to misum erik wetter!
07 October 2016
We are happy to announce that Erik Wetter is now an Affiliated Researcher at Misum. Erik Wetter is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management and Organization here at Stockholm School of Economics, and the leader of the SSE Business Lab. He is also the co-founder of the non-profit organisation Flowminder, engaged in the research field data for development and a steering board member of the World Economic Forum Data-Driven Development initiative.
Podd: Hur investera hållbart?
05 October 2016
Misums Cecilia Repinski är program manager för Mistra Financial Systems. I det senaste avsnittet av Feminvest-podden berättar hon om vad man behöver tänka på om man vill investera hållbart.
Companies need to demonstrate "giveashitability", according to doctoral thesis at Stockholm School of Economics
05 October 2016
It is becoming increasingly common for companies to co-create new products and services in cooperation with consumers. This can be a highly successful strategy – as long as there is a reason for the collaboration. Karina T. Liljedal calls it ‘giveashitability’.
Fredrik lange i svts plus
04 October 2016
Hör vad Fredrik Lange har att säga om det ökade intresset för proteinberikade produkter.
Will new technologies change the energy markets? SITE 10th Energy Day
04 October 2016
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) has the pleasure of inviting you to 10th Energy Day.