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SSE Master Program ranked among the best in the world

28 September 2020
The Stockholm School of Economics’ Master in International Business ranks seven in the world, according to the latest Financial Times Master in Management ranking. “Ranking in the top ten is a huge milestone for SSE. We’re incredibly proud,” says President Lars Strannegård.

MIB students won the European round of the Geneva Challenge 2020

25 September 2020
Congratulations to our three MSc in International Business students that together with a student from KTH won the European round of the Geneva Challenge and are now finalists in the global round.

Ali Zaidi from Ericsson AB receives this year’s SSE MBA scholarship

25 September 2020
For the 14th consecutive year, a scholarship is being awarded for Executive MBA studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship of SEK 495,000 is announced by Swedish financial newspaper Dagens Industri in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics and utbildning.se and recognizes the next generation of leaders, with the purpose of strengthening Swedish competitiveness.

Be a part of the solution to the challenges facing Europe

22 September 2020
Starting this academic year, bachelor students can channel their civic engagement and help effect real change through a new interdisciplinary program. The CIVICA Engage track will offer field work, exchanges and new experiences to students across the CIVICA alliance.

Continued hybrid education for study period 2, Oct 27–Dec 15, 2020

11 September 2020
The Stockholm School of Economics has decided to continue the hybrid strategy currently in place through study period 2, that is until December 15. This decision is based on a presumption that no major changes in society at large will happen during the fall.

Building bridges and broadening horizons through student influence

26 August 2020
Now that the European Universities are becoming a reality, it is important to give the students a say. Hilda Hardell from the Stockholm School of Economics is helping to bring student influence to the top levels of CIVICA – and the EU.

Contagious insights – higher education in pandemic times

25 August 2020
What do we need universities for? What type of knowledge should universities be producing? What is the value of a degree from a higher education institution? Describing SSE’s educational mission FREE, President Strannegård advocates the importance of both the cognitive and the emotional aspects or as he states, “sense and sensibility” is the future of education. 

CIVICA’s research and innovation dimension strengthened through Horizon 2020

13 August 2020
CIVICA – The European University of Social Sciences has received funding to strengthen its research dimension from the EU’s programme Horizon 2020, under the chapter “Science with and for Society.”

Academic Pride flying the flag for digital festival

31 July 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic does not stop the fight for LGBTQ rights. This year’s Stockholm Pride will instead be broadcast live digitally under the name Stockholm Pride Summer Stream. As usual, several of Stockholm’s higher education institutions are participating under the joint Academic Pride banner, which this year brings together both students and employees from seven higher education institutions.

LSE becomes the eighth full member of CIVICA – The European University of Social Sciences

07 July 2020
On 16 June 2020, the European Commission updated the status of The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) from “associated partner” to “full member” of CIVICA – The European University of Social Sciences, following a request submitted by the alliance.