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Grant to Kristina Tamm Hallström

18 May 2020
Kristina Tamm Hallström at the Department of Management and Organization (DMO) and Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research (Score) has been awarded 1.8 MSEK by the Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius foundation.

Organizing virtual academic meetings in the wake of COVID-19

13 May 2020
COVID-19 has forced academia to rethink the ways we work and connect with peers across the world. So, what are the best formats and approaches to virtual academic meetings that keep the research – as well as the interpersonal connections – going? The Center for Sports and Business at the Stockholm School of Economics has some insights to share.

Work from home – being flexible without losing boundaries

11 May 2020
How flexible are you when working from home? Researcher Dr. Lena Lid Falkman addresses the need to set up customized strategies that can help you line up healthy boundaries to reach more productive days.

New research reveals how Swedes react to government guidelines

15 April 2020
How have Swedes changed their behavior during the COVID-19 crisis? A new research project from the Stockholm School of Economics offers insights into mobility and hoarding over the past – and coming – weeks.

Lin Lerpold and Örjan Sjöberg about corona virus effects on Swedish immigrants in DN Debatt

01 April 2020
Associate Professor Lin Lerpold and Professor Örjan Sjöberg together with two other economy professors debates the large impact the corona virus will have on Swedish immigrants.

Decision making in times of crisis

01 April 2020
Making decisions for your business in the midst of a global crisis can undoubtedly feel daunting – so why not lean on research? Professor Andreas Werr and Assistant Professor Wiley Wakeman have looked at some important case studies to guide and inspire our friends and partners in these trying times.

The psychological reason we are hoarding toilet paper

25 March 2020
Are you hoarding toilet paper or stockpiling paracetamol to last you through the corona crisis? You’re not alone. Professor Richard Wahlund explains the psychology behind our need to stock up in times of crisis.

How to work better during a pandemic

23 March 2020
What implications does the Covid-19 pandemic have for our way of working together? How does working at home for an extended period of time affect us and what should we be mindful of? We asked an expert.

Guest research position as Score Fellow in Public Organization (1-3)

09 March 2020
at the Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research. Closing date: 5 April 2020.

Guest Professorship in Public Management

24 February 2020
at Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research. Closing date: 25 March 2020.