SITE research explores whether poor communities can be organized
02 March 2015
New working paper reports findings from a unique combination of a village-randomized controlled trial and a lab-in-the-field experiment.
International student project takes off
27 February 2015
For the 13th year in a row, students from SSE and KTH cooperate in a venture called Project China in order to strengthen cooperation between Sweden and China.
Bo Becker winner of the Case Centre Awards
26 February 2015
Professor Bo Becker at the Stockholm School of Economics was awarded in the Case Centre Awards and Competitions 2015.
IB student winner in Spotify competition
25 February 2015
First year student Tibor Keše from the SSE IB program won first price in Spotify Student Innovation Awards 2014. Congratulations!
SITE research examines EU Directive on antitrust damages actions
25 February 2015
SITE research on leniency, damages and deterrence of cartels finds that compromise between private and public antitrust enforcement adopted by the latest EU Directive on damages actions was never actually needed and proposes a new solution.
Leniency and Damages
25 February 2015
by Catarina Marvao and Giancarlo Spagnolo (with Paolo Buccirossiy), SITE Working paper
SITE research on the Aid Effectiveness literature
17 February 2015
After several decades of studies, the academic community still does not have an answer to whether foreign aid affects growth. SITE assistant professor Maria Perrotta Berlin tries to answer why aid effectiveness literature is so big and still keeps growing.
Welcome to SSES workshops during spring
13 February 2015
All workshops are open to all students and alumni at Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship's (SSES) member schools and are free to attend.
Carl Silfvén Scholarship in Hong Kong
12 February 2015
SSE and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong are proud to announce the first Silfvén Scholarship in Hong Kong available for students at the Stockholm School of Economics. Deadline for application is on Monday, February 16.
Ingalill Holmberg på Ledarskapsarenan
12 February 2015
Ingalill Holmberg was a key-note speaker at Ledarskapsarenan Februari 12, Ideell Arena.
It attracted about 170 managers, leaders and co-workers from different organizations.