Wallander Scholarship to SSE researchers
17 January 2014
Congratulations to SSE Business Administration researchers Erik Modig and Claudia Rademaker who were awarded two of the eleven Wallander Scholarships.
SSE IB team reaches case competition world finals
15 January 2014
A team of master students from the specialization International Business have advanced to the final round of the Corporate Knights/Schulich Business for a Better World Case Competition at World Economic Forum, Davos.
SSE advances to regional finals of the Hult Prize
14 January 2014
Top-tier schools go head-to-head in world’s largest student competition, competing for $1 million in start-up funding to solve President Clinton’s Healthcare Challenge.
Mikael Lönnborg and Karin Winroth's book presentation
13 January 2014
January 31st: Please join us for the presentation of the volume edited by Mikael and Karin: 'Entreprenörskap och varumärken'
Book Chapter
13 December 2013
Holmberg, I. and Tyrstrup, M. (2013) Chefskapet utmanas när innovationskraften finns i mellanrummen, in M. Kreuger, L. Crevani and K. Larsen, Leda mot det nya: en forskningsantologi om chefskap och innovation, Danagård: Vinnova.
11 December 2013
Romani, L. (2013) Diversity Icebreaker for Cross-Cultural Management teaching: Much more than breaking the ice!, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 12, 3, 534-536.
Book chapter
10 December 2013
Sölvell, I. (2013) Vem kom på idén? Chefer i innovationsprocessen in P. Andersson, B. Axelsson and C. Rosenqvist (Eds) Det mogna tjänstesamhällets förnyelse: affärsmodeller, organisering och affärsrelationer, Lund: Studentliteratur.
Book Chapter
10 December 2013
Holmberg, I and Tyrstrup, M. (2013) Innovationsdrivet ledarskap i kvalificerad tjänsteversamhet, in P. Andersson, et al., Det mogna tjänstesamhällets förnyelse: affärsmodeller, organisering och affärsrelationer, Lund: Studentliteratur. pp. 139-152
Book Chapter
10 December 2013
Holmberg, I, and Sölvell, I (2013) Entreprenören, företaget och varumärket. I Lönnborg, M & Winroth, K, (red), Entreprenörskap och varumärken. Gidlunds förlag.
SITE 7th Energy Day
06 December 2013
On November 21, 2013, SITE arranged a half-day conference on the theme: “The challenge of Green Energy". Speakers' presentations are now available.