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Laurence Romani in Digital Panel: Increasing Financial Inclusion in Sweden and Abroad

12 October 2022
Oct 26, 2022, 5:00 PM Central European Summer Time

New research collaboration with Vattenfall

23 February 2022
The project the ‘construction of the employable migrant’ is now collaborating with Vattenfall for the collection of its empirical material. The purpose is to develop knowledge on inclusive recruitment practices and to share this knowledge with practitioners to contribute to a more inclusive labour market.

Inclusion at work supports meritocracy

10 November 2021

REPLIK DN DEBATT 13/10: ”Sänkta löner löser inte arbetslösheten för utlandsfödda”

18 October 2021
Laurence Romani, docent, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, en av fem undertecknare: Inkluderande arbetsgivare är en förutsättning för en lyckad arbetsmarknadsintegration.

”Vilket parti vågar göra diskrimineringen i arbetslivet till en valfråga?”

16 September 2021
Charlotte Holgersson och Laurence Romani i debattinlägg i Helsingborgs Dagblad.

Laurence Romani ‘co-explorer’ at the Stockholm Explorative Talk on August 31

25 August 2021
Laurence Romani will discuss how to recognise the human capital of persons with a migration background.

New research looks into why organizations under-employ highly-skilled migrants

25 August 2021
Research published earlier this year investigates potential reasons for the underemployment of highly-skilled migrants at the organizational level. The study shifts the focus from the common narrative of finding explanations at the individual level, to asking why organizations themselves under-employ highly-skilled migrants.