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Öppet seminarium vid Score

06 March 2024
Torsdag 21 mars 2024 kl. 10.00-11.30 gästas Scores öppna seminarium av Maria Jansson, docent i statsvetenskap, professor i genusvetenskap, Örebro universitet samt Score Fellow. Varmt välkommen!

Open seminar at Score

26 February 2024
Welcome to an open seminar at Score on 7 March 2024 with Mairon G. Bastos Lima, Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).

First module of the European Sports Business Program (ESBP) in Dusseldorf, Germany

18 February 2024
This week, the European Sports Business Program (ESBP) officially launched its first module - Corporate Foresight & Strategy Making - at WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Collective visibility – Leveraging the power of women in sports

14 February 2024
Sport is a global phenomenon affecting millions of people all over the world. Yet, men dominate in many sports. Male stars make more money, male sport executives often hold the power and in many conferences, men sit on panels and are invited as keynote speakers. In this event we celebrate the collective visibility of women.By sharing best practice and describing pioneering events, we aim to leverage the power of women in sports. Join us at the Stockholm School of Economics to debate these issues, network and learn from each other.

Öppet seminarium vid Score

07 February 2024
Torsdag 15 februari 2024 kl. 10.00-11.30 gästas Scores öppna seminarium av Marcus Mohall, postdoktor vid Institutionen för Tema, Linköpings universitet och Pär Wikman, lektor vid Institutionen för Tema, Linköpings universitet.

Congratulations to Lin, winner of the 2023 Corporate Partners Teaching Award

31 January 2024
​​​​​​Lin Lerpold was awarded the 2023 SSE Corporate Partners ​​Pedagogical Award for her long-term commitment to establishing sustainability in the SSE curricula across both degree and executive education programs.

CSR:s Lin Lerpold och Sven-Anders Stegare i SvD Debatt

31 January 2024
Modernt slaveri är på väg att bli systematiskt när arbetskraft utnyttjas i leverantörsledet.

Om komplexiteten i ledarskap och styrning

31 January 2024
I HR-föreningens podcast utforskars komplexiteten i ledarskap och styrning tillsammans med Susanna Alexius, författare till boken “Att leda komplexa uppdrag” och forskare vid Score.

SSE Sport Initiative kicks off innovative student workout sessions

28 January 2024
The Center for Sports & Business, in collaboration with the SSE Sport Initiative, kicked off an innovative student workout session with champion boxer Anna Laurell Nash and industry experts from Grant Thornton.

Paolo Velásquez Post Doc researcher at the Center for Responsible Leadership

15 January 2024