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“UN Agenda 2030: A utopian development plan for the world”

23 October 2019
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been criticized for being universal, unfocused, inconsistent and difficult to quantify, implement and monitor. There is also a potential conflict between socio-economic development and sustainable development. But there are exceptions, according to Professor Ranjula Bali Swain at Misum.

New research: Fears about climate change determine behaviors

15 October 2019
How do Swedish households relate to climate change and to sustainable investments? This is examined in the research report "Knowledge, Fears and Beliefs: Understanding Household Demand for Green Investments" written by Anders Anderson, Swedish House of Finance and David Robinson, Duke University.

Research helps fight world poverty

14 October 2019
Thanks to this year's Nobel Laureates in the field of economics, we stand a better chance of fighting global poverty than ever before. "Their research on poverty has completely transformed the field," says SSE professor Per Strömberg, who was part of the prize committee.

Lovisa Case from Orexo AB receives this year’s MBA scholarship

09 October 2019
For the 13th consecutive year, a scholarship is being awarded for Executive MBA studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship of SEK 495,000 is announced by Swedish financial newspaper Dagens Industri in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics and utbildning.se and recognizes the next generation of leaders, with the purpose of strengthening Swedish competitiveness.

SSE is going completely international

07 October 2019
After 110 years, Stockholm School of Economics is going completely international. Starting in 2020, the last of our eleven educational programs will be open for international applicants.

Lars Strannegård i DN Debatt: Utan antikens historia i läroplanen riskeras Sveriges konkurrenskraft

02 October 2019
Skolverkets förslag att klassisk humaniora inte längre ska finnas med i kursplanerna är otidsenligt. Om förslaget går igenom kommer våra ungas attraktivitet på arbetsmarknaden att försvagas, matchningen på arbetsmarknaden försvåras och Sveriges konkurrenskraft försämras, skriver Handelshögskolans rektor Lars Strannegård i DN Debatt.

Rekordstor antagningsomgång - 8 nya bolag börjar Handelshögskolans inkubatorprogram

02 October 2019
Idag flyttar 8 nya bolag in i lokalerna på A house där SSE Business Lab har sitt 400 kvm stora kontorshotell för startups med koppling till Handelshögskolan.

Does one size fit all?

30 September 2019
The new retail landscape offers a myriad of channels and touch points to interact with shoppers. A common belief is that integration across interactions is preferable in all situations. However, according to Angelica Blom at the Center for Retailing, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Aging population lower real interest rates

23 September 2019
Aging can lead real interest rates to be permanently and significantly lower in the future and structural change guided by technological progress leads the hourly wage in the goods sector to grow more than in the service sector. This is shown by Andrea Papetti, researcher at the Stockholm School of Economics and economist at the European Central Bank.

Utställning om samhällspåverkande krafter och omvärldens osäkerhet på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

13 September 2019
I utställningen Clouds, bubbles and stars kommer tre nyproducerade och platsspecifika verk att ställas ut av konstnären Peter Hagdahl i Handelshögskolans ljusgård och i entrén vid Sveavägen 65.