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Installation of new professors and conferment of doctoral degrees

14 March 2019
During an installation and conferment ceremony in the City Hall on February 16, two new professors, two jubilee doctorates, three honorary doctorates, and 16 PhD graduates received their hats, rings and diplomas.

Svenska män äger dubbelt så mycket som kvinnor

08 March 2019
I rapporten "Vem äger Sverige" visar Emma Heikensten, doktorand på Nationalekonomiska institutionen vid Handelshögskolan, att män äger dubbelt så mycket som kvinnor.

Abhijeet Singh awarded for outstanding pedagogical achievements

12 February 2019
On February 12, Abhijeet Singh was awarded for outstanding pedagogical achievements at SSE. The award aims to create incentives for the School's great teachers to continue developing their pedagogical skills. The incentives are intended to encourage, motivate and acknowledge great pedagogical performance.

Gun and Einar Larsson Scholarship 2019

12 February 2019
Natalie Wild and Jakob Nordfeldt, students at Stockholm School of Economics, have been awarded the Gun & Einar Larsson Scholarship 2019 (GELS) for their projects "Cryptocurrencies in Venezuela" and "Outsourcing Ourselves".

MBA scholars to strengthen Swedish competitiveness

07 February 2019
Jennie Fahlström and Randolph Heyrowsky have been awarded the Carl Silfvén SSE MBA scholarships for 2019. The scholarships are given to the next generation of leaders to promote the competitiveness of Swedish-based business in an international market.

SSE MBA Executive Format 2019

01 February 2019
January 28 marked the first stage of an 18-month journey for a new group of MBA students at the Stockholm School of Economics. 53 participants are enrolled in the SSE MBA Executive Format 2019 program, an intense learning experience that prepares them to build, lead and develop organizations. The program is designed for working professionals who, with the support of their employers, work full-time while pursuing their degrees.

The winner of the Gunnar Hedlund Award 2016-2018 has been announced

21 January 2019
Yamlaksira Getachew from the Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles is the winner of this year’s Gunnar Hedlund award for his PhD thesis “Institutional Voids Investment Purposes, and Foreign Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises”

Lars Strannegård i DN kulturdebatt idag "Den klassiska bildningstanken måste uppvärderas"

21 January 2019
Den klassiska bildningstanken borde få större utrymme i universitetsvärlden. Kulturen tar oss till platser dit fakta och vetenskap inte når. Och det är kanske dags för den nya regering som tillräder i dag att slå ihop kulturen och forskningen i ett departement, skriver Lars Strannegård.

Jungsuk Han receives Brattle Distinguished Paper Prize

17 January 2019
Congratulations to Professor Jungsuk Han whose paper “The Paradox of Financial Fire Sales: The Role of Arbitrage Capital in Determining Liquidity”, written with James Dow, was awarded Brattle Distinguished Paper Prize.

Prince Daniel visits SSE Business Lab

15 January 2019
Prince Daniel visited SSE Business Lab last week and had the chance to meet with the start-ups that the business incubator is hosting at present.