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Stockholm School of Economics and McKinsey & Co in combined literary venture

04 October 2018
Students at the Stockholm School of Economics are being offered opportunities to participate in fiction-reading groups and attend author discussions arranged by the School. Participating students will receive a certification in fiction issued by the Stockholm School of Economics and McKinsey & Co.

De är Handelshögskolans nya inkubatorbolag

03 October 2018
Handelshögskolans i Stockholm företagsinkubator SSE Business Lab tar nu in fyra nya spännande bolag.

SSE Literary Agenda uppmärksammas i media

03 October 2018
Handelshögskolans satsning på skönlitteratur och läsecirklar för studenterna, SSE Literary Agenda, har uppmärksammats av SVTs Kulturnyheterna och Svenska Dagbladet.


21 September 2018
Congratulations to Mattia Bianchi who has been voted Teacher of the year 2017/18 on the MSc level.


21 September 2018
Congratulations to Erik Modig who has been voted Teacher of the year 2017/18 on the BSc level!

Finanschefer i styrelsen för Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre

20 September 2018
Magnus Billing, Alectas vd, har utsetts till ordförande i en ny rådgivande styrelse för Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre (SSFC). Styrelsen tillkännages i dag och ledamöterna omfattar chefer från banker och pensionsfonder, samt experter inom ansvarsfulla och hållbara investeringar.

MBA scholar to strengthen Norwegian-Swedish cooperation

18 September 2018
Kristina Zaytseva, Deputy Chief Product Owner of Swedbank’s LC&I Business Intelligence Value Stream, has been awarded the SSE MBA NSHK scholarship 2019. The scholarship is awarded to next-generation leaders, strengthening Norwegian and Swedish industry.

SSE teachers rewarded for outstanding pedagogical achievements

13 September 2018
On August 27, Pernilla Bolander and Riccardo Sabbatucci were awarded for Outstanding Pedagogical Achievements. This is a new award aiming to create incentives for SSE’s great teachers to continue developing their pedagogical skills. The incentives are intended to encourage, motivate and acknowledge great pedagogical performance.

SSE climbs to rank 12th in the world

10 September 2018
Today, the Financial Times published the FT Master in Management ranking 2018, which expanded to 100 programs. Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) advanced 11 places in the ranking to 12th place in the world.

The second cohort of K-A Bonnier International Fellows Program appointed

10 September 2018
A new cohort of four students have been appointed this prestigious scholarship, specifically geared towards students with a passion for entrepreneurship and SME growth in Southeast Asia and the Nordic countries.