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New Chair Endowed at the Stockholm School of Economics

07 September 2016
The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) has received a donation of 50M SEK from the Johan Björkman Foundation (Johan Björkmans allmännyttiga stiftelse för ekonomisk forskning mm). The donation allows for the establishment of a new chair in Economics, which will be named in Johan Björkman’s honor

Stockholm School of Economics reshapes its undergraduate education - New Global Challenges track will form the leaders of tomorrow

02 September 2016
The Stockholm School of Economics has launched a new focus within its Bachelor Program in Business and Economics. The new educational track is called Global Challenges and entails an expanded curriculum aimed at enhancing students’ understanding of the global challenges facing society, making them wise, compassionate and discerning leaders.

Handelshögskolan medverkar i Hjärnfestivalen

01 September 2016
Brain Awareness Week (BAW) är en global kampanj med syftet att öka allmänhetens medvetenhet om hjärnforskningens fördelar och de forskningsframsteg som tas. BAW arrangeras för första gången i Sverige, under namnet Hjärnfestivalen.

SSE and KI in unique research about the contraceptive pill

29 August 2016
In an ongoing research project, researchers at the Stockholm School of Economics and Karolinska Institutet (KI) investigate how women's well-being and economic decision making is affected by the pill. The method is a double-blind randomized study with about 340 participants.

Årets Kurslitteraturpris till forskare på Handels

19 August 2016
Docent Maria Grafström och professor Lars Strannegård är två av författarna till boken "En berättelse om organisering" som tilldelats Kurslitteraturpriset av Studentlitteratur. Boken har ett nydanande pedagogiskt upplägg, där en skönlitterär berättelse om ett företags tillkomst och utveckling står i centrum.

SSE Professors co-authors in new book about Lean Management

12 August 2016
Magnus Mähring and Pär Åhlström, both Professors at the Department of Management and Organization at the Stockholm School of Economics have contributed in the new Routledge Companions book about Lean Management.

Statement on higher education in Turkey

09 August 2016
Stockholm School of Economics is a signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum and, as such, with over 800 other universities, shares and supports a set of fundamental principles of academic freedom. A statement from The Magna Charta Observatory calls upon Turkish authorities to restore, guarantee and protect the institutional autonomy of universities and the academic freedom of academic staff and students.

Fraudulent emails from SSE address

08 August 2016
A large number of fraudulent emails have been sent out using the Career Services email address (careerservices@hhs.se) to companies and students around the world.

New research explores the success of Swedish high-tech startup companies

11 July 2016
Stockholm currently has some of the most successful high-tech startup companies in the world. New findings from a research team at the Stockholm School of Economics suggest that infrastructure, networks, business climate and supportive policies are key factors that explain Sweden’s success. The research report is part of the Innovative Internet project, funded by the Internet Foundation in Sweden, IIS.

Jakten på ett nytt Spotify startar hos SSE Business Lab

08 July 2016
Följ med Dagens Industri Weekend bakom kulisserna när SSE Business Labs "drakpanel" träffar unga entreprenörer.