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The F1RST steps towards a bright future

30 November 2023
What was the first step that led you to the path you're on? First-year student Vivien Kovacs shares how the F1RST initiative has made a real difference in her journey towards studying at the Stockholm School of Economics.

New CIVICA ambassadors are representing SSE in Warsaw

24 November 2023
SSE are delighted to present the new CIVICA ambassadors for this year: Lano Mahmood and Lorenzo Malerba. Today they are meeting their peers from the other CIVICA universities for the first time, as they all gather at the student association forum at SHG in Warsaw.

Joint initiative to address global health challenges through diplomacy

20 November 2023
Global health is becoming increasingly complex, ranging from pandemics and climate change to wars, migration and deteriorating mental health. There is an urgent need for a new generation of global health leaders, equipped with the skills to navigate complex political environments and drive meaningful change. The Stockholm School of Economics and Karolinska Institutet are now launching a new initiative to meet the challenges ahead.

Strengthening Educational Ties: CIVICA's Collaborative Mission with Ukrainian Universities at SSE

16 November 2023
As a part of the CIVICA project "CIVICA for the European future of Ukraine", SSE had the honor of receiving visitors from the Ukraine last week for five days of exciting meetings, presentations, and discussions.

The Swedish Hockey League strengthens its cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics

09 November 2023
The Swedish Hockey League (SHL) is strengthening its cooperation with the Center for Sports and Business at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). SHL is supporting the center with a guest professor, new research projects, and student teams, as well as contributing to a European education program for executives, the European Sports Business Program. The goal is to develop in areas such as organization, digitalization, sustainability, innovation, partnerships, and commercialization.

Chloe Nibourel at SSE wins CIVICA research poster award

30 October 2023
Early-stage researcher Chloe Nibourel from SSE is delighted to have won the award for best research poster at the CIVICA Research Conference 2023. The poster, and the brilliant presentation of her paper "How do voters and parties respond to the radical right?" impressed the jury at Sciences Po in Paris.

New study examines the foreign influences shaping Sweden’s economy

23 October 2023
With 73% of Sweden's economy influenced by international shocks, policymakers and businesses require strategic adaptability – especially in light of the recent interest rate hikes by central banks around the world. In a study conducted for the Sveriges Riksbank, researcher Lina Thomas sheds light on Sweden's deep economic interdependencies on global events.

Valentina Tartari appointed Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg Professor

19 October 2023
The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is delighted to announce the appointment of Valentina Tartari as the new Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg Professor, and Director of the Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg Center for Innovative and Sustainable Business Development.

Stefan Ingves appointed "Senior Fellow" at Swedish House of Finance

17 October 2023
Stefan Ingves is now a senior fellow at the Swedish House of Finance after serving as the head of Riksbank for 17 years.

Three top European business schools join forces to create a new Executive Education Program in Sports Business

17 October 2023
Three of Europe’s top business schools – WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Düsseldorf, Germany, the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden, and ESSEC Business School in Paris, France – have announced the creation of the European Sports Business Program (ESBP), a new business management executive education offering for leaders interested in the European sports industry.