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CEO prior corporate bankruptcy experiences and financial risk of their current firms

08 November 2023
New research examines link between the prior corporate bankruptcy experiences of directors and CEOs and the financial risk of their current firms.

HOI research | Navigating the digital transformation: the ambidexterity challenge in law firms

07 November 2023
In an era of rapid digitalization, established law firms are grappling with the challenge of embracing new technologies while maintaining their traditional practices. This article explores a recent study that investigates the barriers preventing law firms from fully leveraging digitalization and the concept of ambidexterity, which involves balancing the exploration of new digital opportunities with the exploitation of existing business models.

HOI research | Bridging the digital divide: overcoming barriers to digital health platforms for the elderly

25 October 2023
As the world becomes increasingly digital, the elderly often find themselves left behind, struggling to navigate the complexities of digital health platforms. This article explores a recent study that identifies the key barriers preventing the elderly from adopting and using digital health platforms and suggests ways to overcome these obstacles.

HOI research | Data sustainability: navigating the future of data governance across generations

25 October 2023
In the era of big data, the concept of data sustainability is emerging as a critical aspect of data governance. This article explores a recent academic paper that delves into the concept of data sustainability, its importance in data infrastructures, and its implications for long-term knowledge discoveries.

HOI research | Unleashing innovation: a new taxonomy of competition-based approaches for policymakers

25 October 2023
In an era where innovation is the key to economic growth and societal advancement, understanding how policymakers can stimulate this process is crucial. New research presents a comprehensive taxonomy of competition-based approaches that policymakers can use to foster external knowledge search and innovation.

New publication | Pre-electoral coalitions and the distribution of political power

12 October 2023
Pre-electoral coalitions in Finland often form between parties of similar size and ideology, strategically influencing power distribution and potentially broadening the representation of citizen preferences through increased leadership opportunities for smaller parties and a more dispersed seat distribution. Jaakko Meriläinen, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish new article in Public Choice.

Examining prostitution regulation and its international impact: The 'Nordic model' and tourism

21 September 2023
In this working paper, researchers from SITE analyze how prostitution laws affect sex tourism, studying legal changes in four countries and their impact on tourism flows.

Magicians, unicorns, or data cleaners?

07 September 2023
New research from the Department of Accounting explores the identity narratives and work experiences of data scientists.

Impact of foreign aid on women's empowerment

31 August 2023
In this working paper, forthcoming in the Journal of Development Studies, researchers from SITE examines foreign aid's influence on women's empowerment in Malawi using geo-coded data. Positive impacts are observed, but context matters—gender-targeted aid varies in efficacy across communities.

New publication | Catholic Censorship and the Demise of Knowledge Production in Early Modern Italy

15 August 2023
Censorship hampers new ideas, affects knowledge growth, and redirects talents toward compliant activities, resulting in a 43% decrease in scholarly publication. Fabio Blasutto, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-author publish new article in The Economic Journal.