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Comment on the Nobel Prize in Economics 2015

14 October 2015
The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2015 was awarded to Angus Deaton "for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare". Martina Björkman Nyqvist, Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, is very happy about the choice of this year’s winner, who is a leading researcher in her field of research - Development Economics.

Successful kickoff for the MSc Mentor Program

13 October 2015
More than 150 students, alumni and representatives of Corporate Partners participated at the kickoff for the MSc Mentor program 2015/2016 on October 6.

Angus Deaton awarded the Prize in Economic Sciences 2015

12 October 2015
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for 2015 to Angus Deaton, Princeton University, NJ, USA “for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare”

A strong relationship between entrepreneurship and well-being

09 October 2015
Entrepreneurship promotes well-being by satisfying an individual’s basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This is one of several conclusions drawn in Nadav Shir’s research at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), where he studied the relationship between entrepreneurship and mental health.

Success for SSE’s 24 hour crowdfunding

06 October 2015
The Stockholm School of Economics’ crowd-funding campaign surpassed all expectations and more than doubled the target.  When the campaign closed more than SEK 2 million had been collected through crowd-funding from alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends. 

This year's MBA scholar is Gustaf Haag

06 October 2015
For the ninth consecutive year a scholarship is awarded for Executive MBA studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship (worth SEK465,000) is based on cooperation between Dagens Industri, the Stockholm School of Economics and utbildning.se, and is given to the next generation of leaders in order to strengthen the Swedish industry.

SSE students rewarded for thesis about diversity in business

01 October 2015
Ronja Bjurulf and Markus Nyemad have been awarded a price of 25.000 their thesis about diversity in business - ”Murbruket i mångfaldens mosaik - en fallstudie i framgångsrikt ledarskap i mångfaldsgrupper på Swedbank”

Art exhibition at the Stockholm School of Economics

30 September 2015
SSE’s student union’s Art Division, SSE and Galleri Charlotte Lund are proud to present an exhibition, taking place at the Stockholm School of Economics between October 6 and December 15. The exhibition consists of 12 selected works by three well recognized contemporary artists; Denise Grünstein, Eija-Liisa Athila and Jonas Nobel.

SSE IFL launches Risk Management program in partnership with WHU

29 September 2015
Stockholm School of Economics IFL Executive Education (SSE IFL) is launching a new program for executives in the financial sector to develop their capabilities in managing risk and integrating risk management into business. The program will be delivered in close collaboration with WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany, with faculty and participants from all of Europe.

Capital controls may lead to higher sustainable levels of public debt

17 September 2015
Economies with the most underdeveloped financial markets are the ones that can sustain high public debt levels. The underlying reason is that the use of capital controls in these countries reduces the incentives of sovereign default. Lower default incentives increase the levels of public debt that can be considered sustainable.