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Roberto Verganti wins 2020 Albert Page Award for Outstanding Professional Contribution

18 January 2022
House of Innovation Professor Roberto Verganti has, together with co-authors Luca Vendraminelli and Marco Iansiti of Harvard, been awarded the 2020 Best paper Award by the Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Highlights from the high-level panel discussion on Circular Economy and Innovation

26 October 2021
On Friday, October 15, 2021, in connection with the Ministerial meetings of the Swedish-Russian Steering Committee, the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), the Russian Trade representation and Östkontoret hosted a high-level event on Circular Economy and Innovation. The discussion was introduced by Swedish Minister Anna Hallberg and Russian Minister Denis Manturov who then engaged in a panel discussion with distinguished representatives from leading Swedish and Russian companies.

Swedish Minister Anna Hallberg and Russian Minister Denis Manturov meet to discuss Circular Economy and Innovation

14 October 2021
In connection with the Ministerial meetings of the Swedish-Russian Steering Committee, Anna Hallberg, Swedish Minister for Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs and Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation will introduce a discussion on Circular Economy and Innovation on Friday, October 15 at 14.00.

Vacancies: Tenure track faculty positions at the House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics; Approx. starting date August 2022

14 July 2021
The House of Innovation (HOI) and the Center for Data Analytics at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) currently invite applications for multiple tenure track positions on the Assistant Professor level, each with a specific profile.

HOI research | New research explores self-inflicted ignorance

08 July 2021
New article explores why knowledgeable people sometimes choose ignorance over the knowledge they have or know they could have.

House of Innovation research article receives Best Paper Award

22 June 2021
Congratulations to researchers Martin Sköld, Åke Freij, and Johan Frishammar whose research article has been awarded Best Paper 2020 from the European Management Review!

HOI research | Newly published article explores the tension between augmentation and automation through AI

21 June 2021
New research strives to reposition Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the crux of the management debate by arguing that augmentation cannot be neatly separated from automation.

House of Innovation publishes new report covering progress since inception (2018-2020)

17 May 2021
The House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics, a Research House covering the areas of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technology, published a report detailing advancements undertaken since its inception in the fall of 2020.

House of Innovation research article certified among journal’s top cited papers

10 May 2021
Research authored by House of Innovation researchers has recently been certified by the Journal of Product Innovation Management as a top cited article. Congratulations to these researchers!

New article examines entrepreneurship in the space industry

24 February 2021
New research on innovation and entrepreneurship suggests that institutions and policies within the space industry have effectively shrunk the entrepreneurial field there, leaving little room for enterprise.