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Martin Carlsson Wall appointed professor at SSE 

05 June 2023
Martin Carlsson Wall has been appointed professor of accounting at the Stockholm School of Economics. Martin Carlsson Wall’s research explores the intersection between accounting, creativity, sports and emotions.

Exciting intro of the CIVICA Early-Stage Researcher and Student Board in Warsaw

29 May 2023
Anastasia Efstathiou is currently taking a year off her studies at the BSc Business and Economics program to hold the role as President of the Education Committee at SASSE. With the introduction of the CIVICA Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) and Student Board, Anastasia acts as SSEs representative on the board. She recently went to SGH Warsaw School of Economics to meet the other board members.

SSE launches new Center for Resilient Health

24 May 2023
The recently launched Center for Resilient Health at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is a multidisciplinary research center dedicated to advancing academic inquiry into the future of health policy and health and social care.

Does wealth make you happier and healthier?

23 May 2023
Does wealth make you happier and healthier? What lifestyle changes do people make when faced with a sudden increase in wealth? Listen to the latest episode of our podcast Sound Economy and find out.

Ministers to rehaul grading system after Strannegård's criticism

12 May 2023
SSE President Lars Strannegård’s op ed on grade inflation in Sweden has sparked a discussion about the national grading system. Politicians, pundits and teachers have all expressed support for a revision to make grades as well as admissions more fair and equitable.

Op ed: Grade inflation might force us to introduce entry exams

11 May 2023
There is a grade inflation at Swedish high schools. We can no longer trust that students who get into the most sought-after programs have the necessary skills. The Stockholm School of Economics is now considering abandoning the national admissions system and instead introduce our own system where certain schools would be red-flagged, SSE President Lars Strannegård says.

Start bubble-hopping and gain important new perspectives 

24 April 2023
To bubble-hop is to meet and connect with people whose backgrounds, knowledge, opinions, or beliefs differ from our own. In today’s polarized society, bubble-hopping can serve to bridge divides between people, says Emma Stenström, Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics who has researched the method.

The media's power to affect behavioral change during COVID-19 in Sweden

20 April 2023
Increased media coverage of COVID-19 led to more individuals taking preventive measures such as hand washing, social distancing, and wearing masks, new research from the Stockholm School of Economics and Jönköping University shows. This highlights the important role that accurate and timely reporting plays in promoting public health measures during a pandemic.

Fazer enters partnership with Center for Retailing at Stockholm School of Economics

18 April 2023
Fazer joins the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and its Center for Retailing as a Retail Club Partner in the Retail Management program.

Policies for an aging population

13 April 2023
Increasing life expectancy and a lower birth-rate means the world’s population is aging rapidly. But what retirement policies will have the best outcome for what countries? Listen to the latest episode of the podcast Sound Economy with Professor Johanna Wallenius to find out more.