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New study examines the foreign influences shaping Sweden’s economy

23 October 2023
With 73% of Sweden's economy influenced by international shocks, policymakers and businesses require strategic adaptability – especially in light of the recent interest rate hikes by central banks around the world. In a study conducted for the Sveriges Riksbank, researcher Lina Thomas sheds light on Sweden's deep economic interdependencies on global events.

Stefan Ingves appointed "Senior Fellow" at Swedish House of Finance

17 October 2023
Stefan Ingves is now a senior fellow at the Swedish House of Finance after serving as the head of Riksbank for 17 years.

Three top European business schools join forces to create a new Executive Education Program in Sports Business

17 October 2023
Three of Europe’s top business schools – WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Düsseldorf, Germany, the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden, and ESSEC Business School in Paris, France – have announced the creation of the European Sports Business Program (ESBP), a new business management executive education offering for leaders interested in the European sports industry.

Financial Times Executive MBA ranking 2023

16 October 2023
The SSE MBA Executive Format program ranks 57 out of 100 ranked programs in the FT Executive MBA ranking, published today.

FROGEE and SITE celebrates Nobel prize to Claudia Goldin for her studies on gender inequality in the labor market

10 October 2023
Yesterday on 9th of October, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences was bestowed upon Prof. Claudia Goldin of Harvard University for her pioneering work on women's labor market evolution. FROGEE and SITE extends heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Goldin for this esteemed recognition.

Sweden poised to lead the way in wellbeing and happiness research

06 October 2023
The Nordic countries consistently lead the rankings in both happiness and quality of life. With the launch of its new Center for Wellbeing, Welfare and Happiness, the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) aims to establish Sweden as the foremost knowledge hub for wellness and happiness research in the world. And, as the first business school in the world, SSE is also establishing a new professorship dedicated entirely to the subject of happiness, wellbeing and welfare.

Milda Tylaite awarded for outstanding pedagogical achievements

02 October 2023
In September, Milda Tylaite, Assistant Professor at the Department of Accounting at SSE, was awarded for ​​outstanding pedagogical achievements. She was awarded for her work on redesigning the course ”Current Issues in Financial Reporting” to include new pedagogical components and more current issues, especially focusing on sustainability.

Rupa Thakrar Bagoon, at Business Sweden South Africa, receives this year’s SSE MBA scholarship

31 August 2023
For the 17th consecutive year, a scholarship is being awarded for Executive MBA studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship of SEK 595,000 is announced by Swedish financial newspaper Dagens Industri in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics and Keystone Education Group and recognizes the next generation of leaders, with the purpose of strengthening Swedish competitiveness.

Sports and research blend in Viaplay Vinter

25 August 2023
On August 28, the awards for the best tv programs and hosts in Sweden will be announced during Kristallengalan. One of the nominated programs, Viaplay Vinter, blends sports and research. Recurring guest on the program, researcher Gustav Almqvist, explains how an understanding of research can enhance the experience of sports.

Jesper Roine discusses why inequality matters

25 August 2023
In this interview, Jesper Roine, Deputy Director at SITE, sheds light on the causes, manifestations, and intersections of income and wealth inequality, topics covered in his latest book “Why inequality matters”.