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Nobel Prize in Economics 2021

11 October 2021
The Stockholm School of Economics would like to congratulate the winners of the The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2021. The price goes to David Card, Joshua D. Angrist and Guido W. Imbens.

Sophie Nachemson-Ekvall i SR P1 Konflikt

11 October 2021
Fredsaktivister och miljökämpar utmanar nu storbolagen på deras egen spelplan. Men går det att förändra världen genom att köpa aktier?

Rapport: Från domare till coach. Om beslut och ansvar i den europeiska marknadskontrollen

11 October 2021
I en nyligen publicerad Score-rapport skriven av Kristina Tamm Hallström och Malin Dahl presenteras resultaten från en explorativ studie gjord av en understuderad granskningspraktik: den statliga marknadskontrollen.

Sweden launches testbed for clinical trials in cancer care

10 October 2021
Vision Zero Cancer and Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS) join forces with SciLifeLab, public sector authorities, regions, healthcare, academia, industry and patient associations to create an innovation milieu that facilitates the introduction of more precise prevention and treatment in cancer care. The research institute SIR at the SSE is the coordinator Vision Zero Cancer.

SSE announces the recipients of the Alumni and Young Alumni of the Year Awards 2021

07 October 2021
For the fourth year in a row, Stockholm School of Economics has given out the Alumni of the Year Award and, for the first time ever, the Young Alumni of the Year Award. In 2021, the Alumni of the Year Award is presented to Åsa Riisberg, Investor and Board Member, and the Young Alumni of the Year Award is presented to Marina Dirks, Director - Global Sustainability at Tiffany & Co.

Workshop with ICA on Strategy Issues

06 October 2021
The students in ICA's Retail Club had a workshop about the strategic possibilities and challenges of ICA.

Merchandising at H&M

06 October 2021
H&M's Retail Club had a workshop about merchandising.

Clas Ohlson's Employer Branding

06 October 2021
Clas Ohlson's Retail Club participated in a workshop about employer branding.

The future of the physical retail at H&M

05 October 2021
H&M held a theme lecture about the future of the company's physical retail.

CIVICA celebrates two years of positive impact in European higher education

05 October 2021
CIVICA - A growing number of students and (post)doctoral researchers across the alliance are benefitting from the newly launched programmes and offers.