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SSE providing science-based support for Ukraine’s EU accession

25 October 2024
In June 2024 the EU invited Ukraine to start formal membership negotiations. As part of the new Swedish strategy for recovery and reform cooperation with Ukraine, Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) has received a government grant from the Swedish Institute to launch a collaborative project with the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine (DAU), a division of the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

SustainGov consortium secures government funding to strengthen the public sector

07 March 2024
With government backing and collaboration from 15 partners, including Stockholm School of Economics, this initiative is set to change governance and tackle societal challenges. It signals a shift towards sustainability in Sweden's public sector.

Policies for an aging population

13 April 2023
Increasing life expectancy and a lower birth-rate means the world’s population is aging rapidly. But what retirement policies will have the best outcome for what countries? Listen to the latest episode of the podcast Sound Economy with Professor Johanna Wallenius to find out more.

Prof Emer Sven-Erik Sjöstrand officially launched his most recent study and book “Ägarstyrning"

11 April 2023
On Thursday March 30, Professor Emeritus at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, officially launched his most recent study and book “Ägarstyrning, en närstudie av ägarnas insatser och handlingsutrymmen i de stora svenska företagen”. The book was highlighted at a well-attended event in the aula followed by networking, drinks and light refreshments in the atrium.

A strategy to help Ukraine win the war

04 November 2022
Russia’s fierce military campaign in Ukraine continues, but Ukraine stands their ground as the military tide is turning in their favour. But what besides the military support is needed for Ukraine to win the war?

HOI research | Are politically-selected research and development projects always inferior?

21 April 2022
Earmarked projects receive lower peer-review scores than non-earmarked projects, but do not consistently underperform in terms of tangible outputs like patents and publications. This, according to new research from the Stockholm School of Economics, the WHO Otto Beisheim School of Management, and the University of Groningen.

The importance of remittances

02 September 2020
How important are remittances from migrant workers for the economies of low-income countries? And how does international legislation to prevent illicit financial flows affect the ability to send such remittances?

HOI research | Enacting professional service work in times of digitalization and potential disruption

05 June 2020
Digitalization is changing many service industries. Nowhere is this more apparent than in standard business-to-consumer services. But also, business-to-business services are also being increasingly blended with digital technologies. Little is known about how this latter type of service is being changed by the onset of robots and artificial intelligence.

Open schools saved Sweden billions of SEK

12 May 2020
In the latest episode from Vetenskapens Värld "The way out of corona", Jesper Roine among many other experts explains what the pandemic measures from the government have cost the Swedish economy. Has Sweden performed better financially compared to the other Nordic countries?

Access to Credit Information Promotes Market Entries of European Banks

01 July 2010
by Giancarlo Spagnolo (with N. Jentzsch and C. Giannetti), published in Weekly Report, DIW Berlin