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HOI research | Hidden causes behind fluctuating demand in supply chains

26 June 2024
Why does demand suddenly spike and drop in supply chains? Researchers have identified a range of factors contributing to this, known as the bullwhip effect. Their study, published in Management Research Review, systematically categorizes these causes to help businesses better understand and mitigate the problem.

HOI research | Pairs in Innovation: How Collaborative Duos Foster Resilience in Crisis

13 June 2024
What makes some groundbreaking innovations seem to thrive despite setbacks? A recent study reveals the secret: pairs. When two people work closely together, they create a unique environment that helps them overcome obstacles and continue innovating. Published in the European Management Journal, this research shows how resilience is activated in pairs facing innovation crises.

HOI research | Open innovation's potential for science explored

13 June 2024
Open Innovation (OI) principles are being applied to enhance scientific research, showing both the potential benefits and limitations. An internationally co-authored essay, published in Innovation: Organization & Management, highlights how open and collaborative approaches could transform scientific practices.

HOI research | How dialogue shapes strategy implementation

13 June 2024
Engaging in dialogue can significantly shape how new strategies are implemented within organizations. A study published in the Journal of Knowledge Management explores the different ways conversations among employees help identify and develop opportunities to implement new strategies.

HOI research | Synthesis in innovation helps teams converge on strategic visions

13 June 2024
A collaborative process based on synthesis helps teams align on new strategic visions, enhancing idea integration and emotional engagement. Published in Innovation: Organization & Management, the study explores how synthesis can reconcile different ideas to generate a shared innovative vision, highlighting its benefits and challenges.

HOI research | Holistic approach to AI in radiology to overcome implementation hurdles

05 June 2024
Can a comprehensive strategy make AI work in radiology? A new study in Insights into Imaging shows how addressing technology, workflow, and organization challenges can lead to successful AI integration.

HOI research | Leagile supply chains boost sustainable business performance, study finds

04 June 2024
How can companies balance efficiency and flexibility while maintaining sustainability? A new study explores the integration of lean and agile supply chain strategies to enhance sustainable performance across the triple-bottom line (economic, environmental, and social performance). The research is published in the journal Production Planning & Control.

HOI research | Boards of social hybrid organizations face hurdles in measuring social impact

31 May 2024
A recent study reveals that boards of social hybrid organizations encounter significant challenges in implementing social impact measurements. Published in The British Accounting Review, this research sheds light on the difficulties these boards face and offers insights into improving governance practices.

HOI research | DAOs: How skin in the game transforms decentralized finance

30 May 2024
As cryptocurrency has risen in prominence as an alternative currency, so have decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) risen as an alternative form of organizing enabled by technology. A new study investigates how DAOs are redefining collective action in managing digital resources. Published in MIS Quarterly, the research highlights how skin in the game in DAOs creates both the innovative governance of radically decentralized organizations and drives participation and innovation among diverse stakeholders.

New Publication - Beyond the silver bullet: unveiling multiple pathways to school turnaround

30 May 2024
Research on school improvement shows multiple factors aid turnarounds at underperforming schools. Using qualitative comparative analysis of 77 Swedish schools over 12 years, no single solution was found. Instead, different factor combinations work, depending on the local context. This has implications for school improvement research and education policy.
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