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Students awarded for outstanding achievements

The Graduation Ceremony for BSc students 2015 took place in the City Hall of Stockholm on November 7. An occasion for our students to receive and celebrate well-deserved diplomas, and an opportunity to reward outstanding achievements.


​Study awards

Business and Economics program: Jonas Henriksson
Retail Management Program: André Hedberg


What's your best advice to the next study award winners​?

View your education as your opportunity to take risks, gain new experiences, and pursue what you find interesting, with the intent to identify areas that you want your life to be about. At the same time, make sure you are embracing the present and not living entirely in the future.

Jonas Henriksson


Thesi​s awards

Department of Accounting:

Josefin Halvarsson and Anna Zhan for their thesis "Corporate Social responsibility and the Cost of capital: Is CSR priced in the Swedish capital market."

Jonas Henriksson and Marcus Litz for their thesis "Do public and private firms show different reporting behavior? A study of financial reporting quality in a Swedish setting."


What's the winning concept?

Choose your thesis partner with care, start the work in time and be aware that conflicting results are also results - do not be afraid to present them as such.

Marcus Litz




​Department of Economics:

Diana Landelius and Marie Treschow for their the​sis "The importance of ownership for wind power project acceptance: Evidence from Swedish municipalities"


Department of Finance:

Elin Lundström and Devin Visvanathar for their thesis "Commodities as a Diversification Instrument: Implications of the Commodity Financialization"

Johannes Nordqvist and Ludwig Bergenstråhle for their thesis: "Fund Flow Risk and Cross-Sectional Asset Prices"


Department of Management and Organization:

Amanda Löfgren and Linda Lundin for their thesis: "Det etiska ledarskapets roll i kampen mot korruption - En studie om antikorruptionsarbete i den svenska banksektorn"


Do you have any good advice to students who want to become a winner next year?

My advice to those writing their thesis this year is to take it as an opportunity to challenge themselves with a topic that they care about but that also presents a pressing challenge to society at large. We chose to study anti-corruption measures - we never expected it to be easy, but with corporate misconduct reported on the news almost every day during the spring, we were constantly reminded of the relevance of our topic. This was very rewarding and kept us motivated to learn more. ​

Amanda Löfgren

Department of Marketing and Strategy:

Carl Lundborg and Jakob Nordström for their thesis: "Är kommersiella strategier synonymt med affärsmässig eller idrottslig framgång?"


Program in Retail Management:

André Hedberg and Erik Bahri for their thesis: "Vem är välkommen? En utforskande studie om utländska retailers legitimitet att vara verksamma i Bangladesh textilindustri."

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