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Sara Rosengren - BSc Teacher of the Year 2015/2016

Sara Rosengren is Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics. She is also a board member of SIR and the European Advertising Academy. Since 2014 Sara is Head of Research at SSE's Center for Retailing (CFR).

Congratulation! How does it feel to be so appreciated by the students?

I am very happy and proud, but also a bit puzzled by the award. It is a huge honor to be picked by the students like this.

What makes you a successful teacher?

You will have to ask the students. The nomination mentioned my ability to inspire students to learn, not only for exams, but also for life. I am especially happy about this, as it can sometimes be a challenge to get students to focus on learning rather than exams. Especially when teaching on the bachelor level.

What students say about sara

"Starting at Handelshögskolan fall of 2015, Sara was the first professor who welcomed me and the other retail management students to the school. Taking for granted that all professors would be like her in the future, little did I realize that she not only would be one of the most inspiring and insightful teachers, but also one of the few female professors breaking the stereotypical norm and prejudice one had before starting at Handelshögskolan. I would like to nominate Sara for teacher of the year with the motivation that she has become a great role model, has incredible insight in her field of choice, has a fantastic way of inspire and teach the students the course content and also shows that she cares about the students.”

"Sara was the most inspiring and motivating teacher I have had during my first year at Retail Management. ”

"She is truly inspiring, extremely talented and possess the greatest talent of them all - she can share this with the students"

"Sara är så passionerad över det hon undervisar och kan göra den mest basic faktan intressant. Hon lyckas förmedla en helhet av ämnet, ställer välavvägda krav som motiverar oss. Skicklig talare och det märks att hon tänkt igenom sitt kursupplägg. WOW"