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TWO new professors appointed at SSE

The Board of Directors at the Stockholm School of Economics has appointed two new professors; Kalle Kraus and Henrik Nilsson.

The new professors’ titles and interests of research: 

Kalle Kraus, Professor in Business Administration, especially Management Accounting. Kalle Kraus’ research relates primarily to an area of high academic and practical relevance: accounting in inter-organizational relationships and networks. That is: How can companies and organizations design and use management accounting to better take into account the increased importance of strategic alliances, joint ventures and outsourcing relationships? He has studied this topic based on empirics from private sector companies, public organizations and NGOs. Together with Associate Professor Martin Carlsson-Wall at SSE, he has also launched the Center for Sports and Business where the role of management accounting in sports organizations is a central part of the center’s research activities. The Center has established close cooperation with, for example, Football, Handball, Hockey, En Svensk Klassiker and Trot racing.

More about Kalle Kraus

Henrik Nilsson, Professor of Business Administration, especially Accounting and Financial Management. His research has been focused on insider trading, corporate social responsibility, financial accounting, and auditing. By using unique Swedish data, he has been able to develop and tests hypotheses about the effect of personal characteristics of chief financial officers and auditors on accounting and auditing quality. He is also studying how personal characteristics affect executive decision making related to stock trading, environmental performance and taxation. 

More about Henrik Nilsson



For more information, please contact:
Lars Strannegård, President
Stockholm School of Economics
+46 (0)8-736 9012


Jonas Weschke, Director of Communications
Stockholm School of Economics
+46-8-736 9016