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The most satisfied students in Sweden are at the Stockholm School of Economics

The Stockholm School of Economics has the most satisfied students in Sweden and the most extensive focus on student employability. This is according to Universum’s annual survey FöretagsBarometern for 2017.

In the survey, which ranks both attractive employers and universities, approximately 22,000 students rated their university. The Stockholm School of Economics received the highest ranking for both student satisfaction and focus on employability. 

“We are very proud to receive these top ratings,” says Lars Strannegård, President of the Stockholm School of Economics. It confirms that we continue to provide a high level of education and that our close collaboration with Swedish and international business and industry provides our students with the best possible conditions for a successful career.

The participants in the survey assessed their level of satisfaction with their university on a scale of 1 to 10 for which the Stockholm School of Economics received an average rating of 8.6, compared with the national average rating from all participants of 7.5. A total of 93 percent of Stockholm School of Economics students responded that their education provides them with a good reference for a future career, compared with 60 percent of students surveyed across all universities and colleges in Sweden. 

“The results show a clear connection between the level of satisfaction among students and the school or university’s focus on employability. The Stockholm School of Economics has a long history of close and successful collaboration with business and industry and does an excellent job of preparing students for working life with proven success,” says Claes Peyron, Managing Director for Universum in Sweden. 

Sweden’s most satisfied students 2017:

1. Stockholm School of Economics 

2. Chalmers University of Technology

3. Lund University


Best focus on employability 2017:

1. Stockholm School of Economics 

2. Chalmers University of Technology 

3. KTH Royal Institute of Technology