Master student at SSE receives the Global Swede Award 2018
The Global Swede Award is given to international students who are good ambassadors for the higher education institution and for Sweden and who have distinguished themselves through creativity, entrepreneurship or innovation in their academic disciplines. The aim is to highlight international students and their importance as ambassadors for Sweden.
Written about Hanqing Jasmine He in the program:
Hanqing Jasmine He, originally from China, is an excellent student enrolled in the MSc in Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics. She is very energetic, engaging and communicative student genuinely interested in learning, collaboration and entrepreneurship. Her excellent academic performance, as well as her engagement in the program, community, and business makes her a great Global Swede. Jasmine is diplomatic and insightful and has been a great ambassador for the Stockholm School of Economics and education in Sweden.
Photos: Per E Karlsson, Regeringskansliet.