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MBA scholars to strengthen Swedish competitiveness

Kim Elman and Sofie Åbyhammar have been awarded the Carl Silfvén Foundation SSE MBA scholarships 2018. The scholarships are given to the next generation of leaders to promote the competitiveness of Swedish-based business in an international market.

The Carl Silfvén SSE MBA scholarships are funded by the Carl Silfvén Foundation for Scholarships, founded by the will of Carl Silfvén from 1914.  The scholarships cover the full tuition fee of SEK 465,000 for the SSE MBA Executive Format program.

“We are very proud that the Carl Silfvén Foundation offers these scholarships”, says Karin Wiström, Director SSE MBA, Stockholm School of Economics. “We are convinced that Kim Elman and Sofie Åbyhammar will bring best practices and state-of-the-art management knowledge back into their businesses and become leaders with a strategic and holistic understanding of management, working more efficiently in their organizations”.

Kim Elman is Head of Operations – Cyber Threat Intelligence & Response at Vesper Group, with a BSc in Political Science and Government:

“The scholarship from the Carl Silfvén Foundation will allow me to spend 18 months building skills, networking and sharing experiences in a focused and energetic way. This will enhance the impact I seek to make on the world. Consequently, it was with great joy and gratitude that I learned that I had been selected for this scholarship and now I'm looking forward to an intensive educational experience. Also, a special thanks to Rickard Dittmer at Vesper Group for prompting me to apply and supporting this endeavor." saysKim.

Sofie Åbyhammar is Business Developer at SSAB, with a MSc in Industrial Engineering:

"What excites me a lot about SSE's Executive MBA Program, is the carefully put together class with experienced professionals from a wide range of industrial, cultural, and academic backgrounds, which I think will generate many interesting discussions and new insights throughout the program. Taking my understanding of business development and leadership to the next level will be something that I can put in practice in both current and future work positions." says Sofie.

For application and more information about the scholarship, please click here. You will need to submit your nomination/application August 31, 2018 at the latest.

For further information, please contact:  
Karin Wiström, Director SSE MBA, Stockholm School of Economics, karin.wistrom@hhs.se,
+46 70 651 21 43