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Andreas Werr is awarded the Lars Erik Lundberg Professorship in Business Administration

By means of a donation of SEK 20 million from Lars Erik Lundberg, the Lars Erik Lundberg Professorship in Business Administration has been established, focusing on human capital in particular. The Board of Directors of the Stockholm School of Economics has appointed Andreas Werr as the holder of the new professorship.

Andreas Werr is Professor of Business Administration at the Department of Management and Organization and is already established at the forefront of research on human capital and human resource management. His research focuses primarily on knowledge-intensive organizations and their utilization and development of their collective expertise and skills supply.

Human capital plays an increasingly important role in today’s organizations. In the knowledge society, organizations’ competitiveness builds on the skills abilities and motivations of their employees.

“Phenomena such as globalization and technological development, particularly digitization and artificial intelligence, have for some time, and at an accelerating pace, turned established organizational solutions and skills on their heads. This demands a capacity for identifying and realizing new solutions for everything from technical to organizational challenges aided by the specialist knowledge of the employees,” Andreas Werr explains.

Andreas Werr has a broad international network and holds leading roles in the two largest international research conferences in management: the Academy of Management, in which he has headed the Management Consulting division, and the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), in which he is one of the initiators of a five-year conference theme on professions, knowledge and expertise. He is also well-established among the Swedish organizational and business communities, where much of the research has been conducted in collaboration with reputable organizations in both the private and public sectors.

“A professorship in Human Capital Management is an important addition to the Stockholm School of Economics, helping enhance our research and teaching activities, as well as the international exchange of knowledge in these areas of crucial importance for the competitiveness of Swedish business,” says Lars Strannegård, President of the Stockholm School of Economics.